Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Help Like Jesus: Part 23

Seven, one, eighteen, fourteen!

Now, another one!

Cat, dog, pizza, french fries!

It went on like this for awhile, until I had done enough spells, according to them, to protect me, for now. With each spell, I chose the incantation carefully. With the last word, I felt energy release and envelope my body.

I had to pee. “Don't go back, find a restroom somewhere else.”

Why did that happen?

We should have warned you about things like this. There are people in this country who already wish you harm. They don't know who you are, they don't know what you are going to do in the world. All they know is they don't like it. They see you going to a farmer's market, because they pick up on it, very, very subconsciously. And they think, hippie liberal. And they think you are the messiah, a hippie liberal messiah, and they don't want that. So they start casting spells subconsciously.

Wow. So apparently, people can cast spells subconsciously. I didn't really believe it, but I did to the best of my abilities, because it was happening now. There were all these things I didn't believe in, and I didn't want to believe in, because I knew what other people would think. But you get in these situations where it's like, “We don't care if you believe in it or not, it's real and it's a problem.” And you kind of have to believe. So that's what I did. I believed.

As I was walking, I got hot.

“Don't take off your sweatshirt. The exposed skin will make them think you are a sun bather. Another hippie liberal stereotype.”

As I walked, I started talking to them about the time I thought I was the boddhisatva, just to make conversation.

“Don't make jokes about that, it will make them think you are conceited and worsen the attacks.”

“Go into the Christian Reading Room. It will make a good impression on them.”

I did so, picked up a pamphlet, talked to the lady there for a brief moment, and then left. I had to pee so bad. They said they thought it had passed and I headed back to the market, because we could not find a restroom. That was the only reason. Otherwise, they would not have let me.

I used the facilities, and I got in line to buy some food. My guides thought it was okay at first, but then later told me to get out of line. This was going to worsen the attacks.

On the phone, I had told my mom to pick up some zucchini at the market. My guides told me this was a mistake. It was good zucchini, but it wasn't worth the spiritual attacks that I was now a target of now that I had requested that my mom buy me something at the farmer's market.

As we were leaving, my guides told me Wal-Mart was a good conservative store to go to right now. My mom refused to go to Wal-Mart.

Now, I was at home. I still had that funny feeling that they said was associated with dark, dark magic. It made me want to pull at it with my mind. It was a good feeling. It was interesting and fun. It made me think of a dark, earthy witch. My guides told me no, no, no. Do not pull at the feeling. Do not look at cat eyes, they will make it worse. I was sitting, watching Fox News. Someone on the show had funny looking eyes, and that opened the portal again. I had to get that out of my mind. Music made it worse, the hypnotic nature of it. I had to listen a little bit to get my energy up. Don't look anyone in the eye, my guides told me. Don't look anyone in the eye.

I was talking to my dad. He told me to make a salad. I said, we don't have tomatoes. He insisted that we did. I said I hadn't really checked.

“Well you could look!” And then he started holding his eyes open with his hands, looking at me. Waiting and waiting for me to look at him.

I did not look at him. After awhile, I gave in and glanced up at his face, and saw him holding his eyes open, and it did that hypnotic imprint thing in my mind. I moved quickly into the other room. I had that image imprinted in my mind again. It was opening the portal again.

“Did someone do that to him? Make him do that? Does someone out there have power over him? That was an awful strange coincidence.”

We don't think so. We think it was a coincidence. He is a doofus.

I tried, with all my might, to get that image out of my head. I cast some more spells. Finally, it was gone.

Okay, we are going to tell you some things, instruct you where you can and can't go. You can't go to farmer's markets, ever. Not the Saturday Market. The day you went, you were heavily protected. Not anymore. You are never going there ever again.

Trader Joe's is off-limits. That's a hippie store. So is Fred Meyer's. We don't know if its really an issue or not, but we want to play it safe. Another store you can't go is, Bath and Body works.


It's a liberal store, with all there care of the physical body.


No, not really. We are joking. We are trying to lighten the mood a little. That's it. Another thing you can't do, from here on out, for other reasons... go to cemeteries, or travel, or go to Alcatraz. Alcatraz has horrible, horrible spirits that dwell there that used to dwell in the inmates. They will be hard to get rid of. Many places in Europe, like concentration camps, are off limits. Strip clubs are off limits too. The energy is bad there, not because of the strippers, but because of the energy of the foul men watching them. Another place you can't go is Chip n' Dales. The energy of the egotistical men there is awful. There are other places too. Use your own judgment, and ask us. If it seems like a bad place to go, don't go.


I sat, and after the image faded from my mind, could not listen to music for awhile. My sister was coming over for dinner. We were having ribs. Beforehand, my guides told me they needed me to stop eating when I had eaten enough. They said they had some tricks up their sleeves.

As I ate, I relaxed, and was absorbed in eating. Suddenly, a little ugly cow popped out of my meat, with the words, “Brain damage!” It shocked me, and at the same time I got a horrible feeling that lasted a second. It was time to stop eating! I stood up, and walked around to cool off. As I stood up, it got worse, the feeling deep down of something akin to horror. It wasn't a big deal, but it was a little off-putting.

I went in the other room to talk to my guides. They told me they were, “just playing around.” They thought that was a good neural pathway to use. They said they didn't intend it to say brain damage, that was just a negatively associated word that happened to come up.

It was interesting. It was a very cartoonish feeling, the way the cow popped up, and the words popped into my head. Immediately after, I didn't even consciously remember that there had been a cow, it happened so fast. Just that something really odd happened with the words brain damage that made me want to stop eating. They told me it was a cow, and then I remembered. Later, I looked at the meat in the fridge, and got a horrific feeling. My guides told me they would not use that neural pathway again. They didn't want to scare me away from eating, and that was a pretty intense neural pathway.

As I sat, I talked about medical marijuana with my family. We were talking about people on the right. My guides told me, they watch. Not very closely, but they do. They pick up on things, very, very deep subconsciously. So don't say anything too mean about the right-wing people, they said. However, they don't get sarcasm. They think you are being serious. So when we were talking about them, I referred to them as the “exceptionally intelligent” people on the right. They backed off a bit after I said that.

Later on that night, I was sitting on the bed, and a ghost came and activated a similar neural pathway and said, “brain damage!” I screamed a little. Kristen asked me what was going on. I told her a ghost was whispering to me. I told her it said brain damage. She implied that ghosts say weird things to her too.

The next day, I was eating nuts. I was eating, and then the word “rabies” went through my mind, and a bad feeling took over me. It shocked me, and I stopped eating. The problem with this system was, I was worried about it the entire time I was eating, that prevented me from relaxing. They decided not to use any of the neural pathways anymore. They said they had other tricks up their sleeves.

Later on though, it was never an issue again, so they never tried anything else.

I was sitting on the couch, when I started hearing the dandy song again.

Stop thinking that, what you're thinking. You are opening a pathway to Brandon.

I realized that they wanted me to stop doing something I was doing subconsciously. I thought it was interesting, because I didn't even know what I was doing subconsciously. Eventually, I stopped doing it.

My guides informed me a little bit more on the dandy song. It is a song in the spirit world, used by people who like the Earth plane. They lyrics were, “Black man say somethn' you don't want, cut him up and put him up in a dandy!” It had a certain harmonic device in the word dandy, that when Earthlings hear it, and they are in an altered state, because you can't perceive of it in a normal state... it creates a very deep sense of terror. They didn't use the correct harmonic device on me though, the concept and setting of being at a funny campground in the middle of the night was enough to terrify me. They said that was kind of mean, how they did that at a campground. They said there was a reason they did it. The girls were burning plastic, which was bad for the environment. But that wasn't really the reason. They were preparing me for their own use of the song.

I was sitting on the bed, when I started singing the dandy song semi lucidly, but out loud. My guides told me, “that's your subconscious mind reminding you not to sing that song!” I laughed really hard.

The ghosts kept singing the dandy song. Everywhere I went, I heard the dandy song, because the ghosts wouldn't stop singing it. My guides had already decided not to use it anymore as a warning, that's why they had moved on to bigger and better things.

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