Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gender Roles and Awe

I'd like to take a moment to talk about my favorite topic. Sexuality!

So I'm actually a really, really big mysogonist. Which is funny, because I'm a girl! It's not that I hate women, or think they are inferior at all even. I just in general like men a lot better than women and not just in a sexual way.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how when I was a kid, I saw a lot of depictions of femininity on TV. Gender shit.

The man is depicted as dominant. He overpowers the woman. He is in charge. Or is he?

Like in the show I Dream of Jeannie. This particular show has very strong sexual connotations, even though there is no actual sex. There's a funny relationship here, where Major Nelson is the master. So he's in charge of Jeannie. But, Jeannie has magical powers! So who's in charge here? Who's really in charge here? This is actually kind of like a metaphor or something for sexuality and gender shit right here.

Which is superior? Femininity or masculinity? First off, men and women are equal. I am not arguing that at all. But, even though I prefer men over women, romantically and friendship-wise, Femininity is far superior to masculinity.

Men have dominance, in a way. A certain type of meaningless, unvirtuous dominance. Physical dominance. A very primitive sort of dominance. Femininity is actually way, way more sacred and holy. It's elusive and mysterious. It's way more valuable.

Men are in awe of this. Though, they are not actually jealous. And in a way, this concept is kind of similar to the Freudian idea of penis envy. I was making fun of this on my blog earlier. Women don't want to have a penis. God no! It's actually kind of funny in a way because men are so obsessed with their own penis that they think wow a woman must be jealous of this awesome powerful thing I have because the man himself is so fucking proud of it! And women say, hahahaha! That's your own masculine ego talking, it's really not as wonderful as you yourself think it is! But women do like that kind of thing though, so in a way it goes both ways. Women are in awe of the man's physical power, but men are in awe of the sacred, holy aspect of femininity. However, most people, MOST PEOPLE, obviously the ones who aren't are the transexual people, most people are wrapped up in living out the sex that they are and they aren't really jealous of the other gender. But, there is that feeling of awe.

So this goes both ways here. But, really, truly, I think femininity is better. Women carry children. That's really what it comes down to. And the whole idea of creating life in this way mysterious and beautiful and powerful, and in general more important than anything a man does.

So what women are taught is, they have the power. Really, they do. So naturally, the man wants to overpower the woman, and it is a demonstration of his feelings of being in awe over the woman's sacred magical thing that she has. And the man wants the woman to submit, to show that she is in awe over the man's physical prowess.

Anyway. Anyway. I like men better than women. BUT... I thought about it, and I realized, I think there is an elite group of women which is superior to all men and everyone else. Women who have the masculine spark. And I believe I am one of these women.