Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, February 24, 2020

Picture Reading: The Lowdown

So, through out my life, I have trained myself in picture reading.

You know, I thought my journey in this endeavor started shortly after I returned home from Innercept, was on a spiritual message board that talked about picture reading, and actually showed some talent in reading people on the site. Actually, my guides say it started when I was in high school. Sometimes  when I was bored in class, I would try to read the teacher's or other student's auras. Well, I started to see stuff after awhile: nothing all that impressive, however. One time, I was watching a girl give a speech in French class, and I noticed her aura turned from red to blue all of a sudden. A moment later, I realized it was because she had just finished her speech.

However, what my guides point out was the important thing was, when I would try to read people, I would feel a feeling in my own body of their energy. No information, just a funny tingle or touch of their energy. I tried to hold on to this feeling and pull at this feeling, and it was the start of what eventually lead to expert picture reading.

I can read people for information about them specifically, but usually when I picture read, I focus on what they are thinking/feeling toward me. I mean after all, I am not trying to snoop into people's private lives! After I read people correctly on the message board, I thought, "How can I use this talent to my advantage?" Well, there was a guy I had a crush on at the time, and I thought, hey, maybe I can see if he is thinking about me too! I picture read, and I picture read, and I picture read... I picture read my boyfriend soon after too, and saw him thinking about me frequently... I could see people thinking about me, but it took several years to become really really good at it. And when I say several years, I mean, lots and lots of time devoted to the task (after all, I don't have anything else I really feel like spending that much time on... I am an internet stalker at heart, okay, and this became a new convenient tactic).

It shows up as not colors, but I "see" an emotional connotation, and it's the emotional connotation they are thinking me in. See, in my world, we talk about something called soul pockets... They are sensory "pockets" or areas devoted to experiencing your five senses. So there is one for hearing, one for sight, one for taste which is related to the one for smell, one for touch and temperature.... Of course, you have many more than just these pockets in your soul! These are the only ones used on the Earth plane! On other planes, you may have more types of sensory experiences we can only imagine with limited imagination on the Earth plane... However, psychics often have other pockets open they use for their psychic experiences, and this is an example of that. These picture reading visualizations are in a completely different pocket.

On top of that, my guides show me visualizations related to thoughts the people are having about me. However, my guides have been known to fabricate at times for mysticism purposes, and it's my job to use my own judgment if these things I am seeing are realistic.

Another thing is, something I have noticed recently but not too recently (not within the past month).... I have a floater issue, related to picture reading. Sometimes, I get caught looking at floaters and have trouble focusing on what I am actually looking at. Annoying to be sure, but I think it is also related to limited dopamine. Another thing about that is, the psychological eye process related to picture reading is related to the one used for seeing floaters. So, if you are interested in trying it out yourself, that's a bit of direction. Another thing is, not everyone is capable of picture reading. People who have a natural talent for reiki work, tend to be picture readers as well.

Trust me, the floater issue is nothing compared to the benefits of being able to get insight into how people are thinking/feeling.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

"If it weren't for the guardianship, you'd be dead, Rachel!"

So this is what I hear, when I tell my parents, the guardianship was a mistake.

"But if it weren't for the guardianship, you'd be dead!"

Why? When would I have died?

You'd be dead on the streets of downtown Portland!

There was this one time, when I was sent to a treatment center in Santa Barbara immediately following a suicide attempt, I wandered the streets of Santa Barbara for several nights doing drugs, not caring if I lived or if I died. I ended up living, and being sent to a treatment center in North Idaho immediately afterward, called Innercept.

To my parents, this same scenario, has repeated itself on in on in their minds, until the cows came home, which they never actually did. This scenario has repeated itself so many times! Well, yes, their memories are a bit foggy... But they know it, they know it, they know it!

My dad says, "God, Rachel, how dare you ask me to clarify and remember exactly when it happened a second and a third and a forth time! You know damn well it has happened many many MANY times, okay! Just like..." And then he falls asleep from the old age and the narcelepsy.

Actually, it has never happened a second time. I felt safe in Santa Barbara, I would never do the same thing in downtown Portland, and I have never been in that same mood or wanted to.

Then, my dad wakes up from his nap. "There was that one time, shortly after you moved back from Innercept, I had to pick you up from the streets of downtown Portland! See! SEE! You did the same thing that night, that one time! You were wandering the streets of downtown Portland at night!"

Actually, what happened was, I was out at night, and I was out simply past when the busses were running... So yes, I called my dad and asked for a ride home. I wasn't even doing any drugs that night. Not drinking, not smoking pot even, not anything else. Simply up past when the busses were running.

"Well, that proves it!" My dad says. "You would be dead in a ditch, if it weren't for the guardianship! This going out and doing drugs in the streets is a scenario that keeps repeating itself over and over again! IN FACT, THE DOCTORS SAID THE SAME THING! THEY SAID YOU WOULD BE DEAD, IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE GUARDIANSHIP!"

And yes, I am telling the truth, folks. My dad really DID tell me that. He told me, the doctors told him, I would be dead if it weren't for the guardianship. And.... He expected me to believe it.

That's why both my parents are fucking idiots. The end.