Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Neglected Case Managers...

 There's this situation where, the neglected new case manager came over, at some point... And, I had to be subjected to SECOND GUESSING that I knew ANYTHING AT ALL, about what I myself was thinking... Okay, you know I didn't invite you over, okay, I am being subjected to your opinion against my will, and she has some sort of attitude problem about me second guessing HER opinion, you know, she is the "case manager," after all, who I have never once invited over... And you know, she is a, let's just say, "professional..." You know, she went to a college course on bipolar disorder, and that's apparently my diagnosis, and I should KNOW THAT, DAMMIT... YOU SHOULD KNOW DAMN WELL YOU CAN'T TRUST YOUR OWN ASSESSMENT OF YOUR CONDITION, DAMMIT...

Anyway, as always, "How can I be sure I'm here?" Maybe I should wonder...

Actually, she hit me with anger, had an attitude, and it's a situation that has a particularly obnoxious effect on me psychological, which may make me question at times, in a very serious light, "Do I even exist?" Not even kidding, actually...

How can I be sure I'm here? The eternal question...