Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, February 23, 2024

"You don't have to... You actually think you don't HAVE to write a blog?"

Reminiscing on the passing of my life... I can see every excuse for my behavior, every single one, and I am left believing this mission was to be some kind of whore. Except, other people are stil thinking about me attacking my mother, and I don't think of the Jason Debacle and the Mother Attack in the same mind frame ever.

Yeah, the woo leads to thinking errors. I tried looking back at the yahoo email, someone randomized or not randomized, I don't know the correct term, but the page changed as I was looking at it so I couldn't read the emails. They had been edited by Fickle Felines. Fuck, and that was such good journaling, too.

Anywho... I believe Jason and Emily are dead. And I do. I do.

I also believe the thinking errors regarding to woo made me not understand stuff like don't say anything about his sons. As I look back on my life, that is my biggest regret, besides saying actually all the fucking time and knowing why.

I thought I was going to be paraded as "Miss Best," when I started the mission. Instead, I was paraded as "Miss Skank." And I live up to that title but not with number of sex acts performed, which is few.

Anywho... I was write, in essence, only I get exposed for my flaw as well, which is being a sex addict. I say okay, fine. You know, over the years that go by, I talk down being perfect. Not that anyone is, but can't you be happy not being the best soul? I thought about that issue, and don't judge me I'm not saying a lot about it. But we all coexist and also be friends, like me and Crystal.

What else? I am a mutant.

[Abrupt Ending]

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