Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter Thirty-Nine

Okay, time to do something else! Not like last night, but something weird like that, my guides told me the day after the past life regressions.

They had me close my eyes, and look at something in my mind. It was a picture of myself. When I was ready, they told me to undress the idea in my mind of what happened to that person.

What is it she is grossed out by?

I got up, and pretended to puke off the side of my bed.

I don't know, what is it?

It is something someone said to you a long time ago, when you were in an altered state.

After thinking for awhile, I figured out what it was. It was when I was in the first grade. We were making a list of school supplies we needed, while at school. One girl turned to me, while I was in a concentrating state, and said, “Do you eat erasers?”

She actually said need, but I heard eat. I thought it was funny at the time, but it grossed me out, the thought of eating erasers. So in my mind, I had to imagine her saying, “need,” over and over again until I had replaced it in my memory banks.

Really? That grossed me out that much? I didn't think it was a big deal, I thought it was funny.

On a subconscious level, it grossed you out. There was a part of your consciousness that was still grossed out by that.

Okay, another thing. There was a guy you liked in 8th grade. Now, you never knew if he liked you or not. Pretend he is talking to you, and telling you he is not interested.

“Okay, Rachel. I like you as a friend. Not a girlfriend. You are not as attractive as the other girls. I do not see you that way. We are not going to date. You are not my type.”

There you go! Now, how does that make you feel?

Fine, because I don't like that guy anymore.

Well, on a subconscious level, you were still anxious to find out if he liked you or not.

Okay, now, on to Brandon. Tell him to fuck off! He hit you! Tell him, fuck off, Brandon!

I imagine him hitting me. “Fuck off, Brandon! I like you! Stop treating me like shit! It is making me really unhappy! I wish you would be nice for a change! I never did anything to you! So stop acting like I did!”

There you go! On a subconscious level, part of you still wanted to say that. One more thing. Remember last summer? The awful boat ride?

The previous summer, when I had been dating Todd, we went on a boat ride with some of his friends. We overloaded the boat, and midway through the ride, it started to sink. I was drunker than a kite, but I was scared out of my mind. I thought I was going to die. After awhile of walking around on the boat to balance it out, another boat came along and rescued us.

Okay, so there is a part of your consciousness still stranded on that boat. Now, imagine a yourself on the boat as it is about to sink. Now, imagine another boat coming along and rescuing you. Doot doot doot! You are rescued.

Okay, there's another thing that isn't important, but it will call out to you if you don't do it. So we are just going to do it. There was a time Junior year of high school, you listened to the song White Flag by Dido on the way to school. It got stuck in your head. At school, you were sitting in class with that song stuck in your head, and the Adderall was making you feel helpless, because it did that sometimes. Now, the lyrics of the song are about a boat sinking. These two things compound in your memory to create a feeling of being on a sinking boat. So now, change the words of the song in your mind.

I won't go down with this ship

I will find a way back to land

There is no white flag upon my door

I am safe and always will be

There you go! Now, when you hear that song, remember those lyrics, or it will pull you into the abyss again!

Now, it is time to wake up. When you wake up, do not wash your hands for a week, for it wears down the energy of the mind work.

Does it really?

No, but do not wash your hands right away. It's bad tradition.

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