Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, February 5, 2024

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter 35 & 36

What is happening? I feel all wonky and stuff all of a sudden...

You have an energy center to take out of you. Your body is ridding itself of the bad energy that was taken in as a result of the drained transgressionary life force.

Take it out of you.

What is it?

Just pick the thing out of your torso, you can't see it.

I pick the thing up out of my torso.

Now, throw it.

I fling it off to the side.

A little bit later, I was sitting there when I started feel wonky again.

Now, take another thing out of your torso.

I take it out.

Hold it. Now, put it in your mouth. Now touch it, with your hand. Now, put it in your other hand, and touch it with your first hand. Now, transfer it back and touch it again. Again, other hand. Transfer it back. Shake it out. Now, go throw it outside, out the front door. Good.

All these weird instructions for handling the energy center. It was odd, because I could feel the things in my hands, and I could tell they were real. Still, it was like I was playing some sort of game, holding imaginary things in my hand, treating them like they were real... They were just a little bit too big for my idea of imaginary things.

Okay now there's another one. Pull it out, pull it out.... this is a long one. Use both hands... Now take it outside. Touch the ground. Now hold it up to the sky. Touch it to the ground. Now, blow on it. Flick it. Now, throw it!

Here's another one, short one. Okay, touch it to the ground. Spread your legs. Put it between your legs. Now, go outside. Wiggle it around. Side to side. Up and down. Now, run! Run, run, run... Okay, that's enough. Now, throw it!

I had to take three other objects I had to remove from my body and do various things to before I disposed of them.

Now one last one. Take it out. Look at it. Talk to it.

Hi. Hello. I don't like you. I don't think we should be friends. I mean, you are okay but, I don't want you anymore...

Be mean.

Go away! Fuck off! Bitch!

That's good. Take it out to the garage.

I take it out to the garage where my dad's chevy malibu is.

Now, pat the car on the rear.

I pat it on the top of the car.

Now, open the hood.

I pretend to open the hood.

Now, put it in. Now, blow!

After I was done, I went back into the house.

(My guides are making fun of me by not cutting this chapter)

Okay, now, you will be going through some funny stages. The first is the people look like food. You will notice people having a food-like quality to them. Next, you might notice them looking like naïve people. Very naïve. Then, maybe cactuses. People will look like cactuses. Then one you might have, but probably won't, is retarded people. Everyone will look like retarded people.

Why is all this happening?

Because your body is going through an energy shift, following the severely drained transgressionary life force. It could have killed you. Now, your body is readjusting as the energy replenishes. Now, don't do that! Don't do that!

I had been looking at the board on the foot of the bed, and imagining it with millions of tiny air-filled cracks in it.

That's what your energy looks like right now! It irks us out when you do that!

I tried thinking of something else, but instead, ended up imagining it with tiny air-filled cracks in it.

Don't do that! Why don't you think of muffins?

I thought of muffins, moist and filled with moisture. That fixed the problem.

Later on, I was at the gym, leaving tai chi. My mom walked up to me, and I noticed a distinctly food-like quality to her. Not like delicious food, like bad food you wouldn't want to eat.

I was talking to my dad, and I noticed that he seemed more naïve than normal. He had a dumb look in his eyes, and you could see all the wrinkles around his face, and they framed the eye in an exceptionally dumb way. Like he didn't know anything at all.

I didn't recall noticing the cactus phase, or the retarded people phase.

Chapter 36

What time does the swimming pool open? Alfred asked. He wore little tiny swim trunks, and a ribbon in his hair.

Awww! I said.

Back off, sweetie! I am going swimming, dammit! He showed me a picture of him surfing a wave.

What do you think I'll need to buy to get down to the bottom of what is going on here? I asked, referring to the fact that I could not tell what Alfred's true motives were.

You need to go buy a marker, to make fun of all the things that happen in your mind, like the markers.

Yeah, speaking of which, my guides said. You have markers all over your mental wall. Maybe you should remove them?

I picked a bunch of markers out of my brain.

You got these markers when you were coloring in the hospital in Coeur D'Alene. You need to get them out. They make you hate people who color.

I picked the rest out.

You've got a couple more, right here.

I picked them out and finished picking them out, because I was done.

Another thing is on your mental wall you want to get rid of. A calculator.

Why do I want to get rid of that?

It helps you understand math, but connect less with other people.

I think it's fine.

We do too, we were just joking.

Alfred showed me a picture of his mom. She was a big blob, like I imagined him being. Then, he showed me a picture of himself when he was 27. He was a handsome young man.

This is what I used to look like. This is what I look like now.

He showed me a picture of an old man.

That's why they call me Alfred! I'm an old man, just like you like them!

I hate the name Alfred, I said. It's an old man's name. I would prefer a name like... A name like...

What, dearie?

I don't know, I'll have to think on that.

Why don't you think a bit harder and faster, my dear... He said in an old man's voice.

I don't like your attitude, mister, I told him.

Well, well, well. You need to work on your own attitude, missy.

Let's get together and be all right! Alfred sang, and hula hooped.

We are going to do something special tonight, my guides told me. It will be lots of fun, but it might be slightly unpleasant.

Okay, what is it? I asked.

We can't tell you yet. It's a surprise.

Alfred showed me a picture a woman in a bathing suit. She was tall and slender, and was eating a carrot. He asked me if I wanted to look like that.

Not really, she looks so blobby and cartoonish... I said.

That's not what I meant, dimwit! Do you want to be skinny? It is easy! Just eat carrots!

Then he showed a stick, and waved it around. Everything was made of carrot sticks.

Eat up, damsel!

Well? My guides said to me. Do you want to do it?

Of course! I'm excited!

Excellent! We will be getting the stuff ready.

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