Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter 19

I lay on my bed late at night, watching Alfred's animations. He drew a picture of a horse, galloping, coming up to a stop sign, and stopping abruptly. Then, a stampede of unicorn went by, in a comical fashion.

I laughed. It was mostly visual humor, the animations he did. They were funny for reasons I couldn't describe in words. I never thought I got visual humor, but this was proof I did, I got this visual humor that was tailored exactly for my brain.

Oh no! A turtle is coming! AHHH!!! Hide! Hide! HIDE YOUR LOVED ONES! A turtle is headed straight for us! He showed people running for cover, as a small turtle came running up the hillside.

It was a reference to a dream I had had as a kid, where we were all scared and hiding in houses because we heard a turtle was coming our way. It was the classic case of a kid not knowing which animals were dangerous and which were not. I laughed hard at the sentimental reference.

Oohh! Ooohh! A friend request! AAAHHHH!!! SATAN!!!!

I laughed hard at this reference too. It was one of these meaningless phrases that kept randomly popping into my head last year. “Friend request... From Satan!” I didn't understand why that kept happening.

I watched some more. He showed a picture of a sea lion. It was sunning itself on a rock. Then a tidal wave came up, washed it away... As it was washed away, it left a picture of itself behind. I looked at it, and it became a picture of Al Gore.

Do not listen to your dreams, sweetheart. The world will not be flooded as a result of global warming. Instead, remember the manatees! And he showed a picture of manatees flooding the coast.

He did animations all night long, as I fell asleep. I lay in a half awake state, watching and giggling. After awhile, I grew worried. They were getting increasingly fast and weird. It seemed like it could be a problem with my brain.

God dammit! I am having enough trouble keeping up with your hypnagogic brain waves, now you accuse me of being a delusion? Alfred was pissed.

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