Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, January 12, 2024

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter 18

I sat in the computer room on the couch. I asked, who is here?

Well, someone you care very deeply about is here. Your good friend Michaelangelo!

He is a good soul, a small soul that is not fully formed. He has a good eye for deception, and he was a savant. Not what most people consider a savant, but what we consider a savant.

Wicked! Who else is here?

Someone she doesn't care about is here!

That's Elvis. He's mad you don't like his music.

I don't like my music! It is bad energy for most people!

Who else I here?

Buddha is here. He was a small soul, enlightened from birth. He reached enlightenment on the other side.

Wicked! Who else is here?

Brittany Murphy is here! She has a question for you!

Okay, I was wondering... About a certain place in your life... Not there, not there... Earlier...

As I was guessing, I got the urge to grab my left boob. It was very strong.

Alfred... Stop that!

Whoops, that's what I was doing! He chortled.

It was kind of obnoxious, because I was already uncomfortable enough when some random celebrity was talking to me. I didn't need Alfred giving me the urge to grab my boobs.

There. Right there. My mind landed on the 8th grade, when I started taking Adderall.

“You needed Adderall to be happy. Why?” She said why? In a dumb fashion, like she already knew the answer.


I was trying to be funny!

Nice try, but sorry, that wasn't funny.

Later though, I thought it was really funny.

She understands addiction. A lot of people do not understand addiction, they don't understand why you need drugs to be happy. That's the problem with the public, they don't get it! It is easy to explain to someone, well I just don't feel right without the drug, but they don't understand that, if you have everything going for you, you should be happy...

Is anyone else here? Is Freud here? I want to talk to Freud!

You can't talk to him, he won't be here. He's not a good soul, and besides, he's on another plane right now.

What about Nietchze? I want to talk to him! Is he here?

No, he's on the acid trip plane! My guides said.

What's the acid trip plane? I asked.

Cells masturbate, for no reason at all! Alfred chimed in.

Really? I laughed.

Yes, cells get off sexually, but it serves absolutely no purpose. Not a release of energy that helps in any way, not a reproductive thing. Just a fun thing to do every once in awhile. Another thing about the acid trip plane is, it's cute. Not ugly, cute. Everything is visually enticing, and weird in a good way. It freaks everyone out and they love it. We don't even consider it a plane it's so much better than the other planes. You will never go there. Only weird souls go there.

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