Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, July 4, 2022

Well, you were supposed to make use of the FIRST treatment center, Rachel

What did I do wrong? You were supposed to make use of the therapy system at the first treatment center. Why didn't I? I was supposed to bring up the right issue in therapy. What was that? I was supposed to know what the issue that needed to be addressed that would convince me that medication was necessary. Except, there was no reason to believe I needed medication at all. But there was, because my parents said so, and the doctors always say so when your diagnosis is schizoaffective. Stop acting like the medication wasn't helping, Rachel. Well, I didn't believe it was. SO SUE ME! SO SUE ME! THE MEDICATION WASN'T... Helping. Let's just say that. It wasn't helping. Why would I think it helped? Well, for one, what was the problem? That first time you became delusional Rachel, duh! Well, I didn't believe that was a problem, it was just my parents who decided to secure a guardianship for that reason. So it was a problem for that reason. So the reason the first delusional issue was a problem, was because your parents might secure ANOTHER guardianship over you if you don't... So, take your medication, that always prevents weird things from happening, just take our word for it Rachel, we don't trust anything at all you have to say about the issue, we will ALWAYS tell you you are lying if you say the medication wasn't helping, and we will ALWAYS assume you weren't taking the medication if anything weird is going on at all while you are on medication. We will say that no matter what Rachel. You weren't on your medication, that's why that happened. We ignore whatever you say about the situation. Also, I was supposed to address the right issue in therapy. What was the right issue? Positive self talk. I was supposed to address the right issue and it was positive self talk. That will solve all your problems, Rachel. If you just talk about your problem with positive self-talk in therapy. Also? You were supposed to address the fourth grade issue, which was that I was too stupid to make conversation with my peers. Why are you so stupid you can't talk to people, Rachel? Well, that changed all of a sudden at Innercept for no reason... Also, back to positive self-talk. My spirit guides fixed the problem with freaking out all the time, I don't do that anymore see? Anyway, what did you forget to do at the first treatment center? Accept the medication helps. That is all. It helped because we said so. That's the only thing I ever hear about the situation, ever. It helps, take our word for it...

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