Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Meaning of Life

So today I'm going to talk about... THE MEANING OF LIFE.

First off, what are we talking about? The meaning of life or the meaning of existence? We shall talk about both!

The meaning of existence, not just of life on Earth, but existence as a whole, whether that be on Earth, some other dimension, or on the other side... The purpose of this kind of existence is simply to have a good time. There is no higher purpose. On the highest level, everything we do is just to pass the time, the time which we created, since we created time.

So, how do human souls choose to pass the time? Well we are good souls. So we could just spend it in an eternal heaven, which is the equivalent of on drugs, or....  We could choose self-betterment! YES! SELF BETTERMENT!

So that's what the purpose of live on this crummy planet Earth is. Yes, Earth is a crummy planet. Well, not any crummier than any of the other planets, but compared to the eternal bliss of heaven or the other side... it really fucking sucks. This is what brings about self-betterment! Self-betterment is all about hard work and discipline. Pain, discomfort. We get all that on planet Earth, in a dose that's usually small enough that we can take it, and grow from it. Earth is a terrible, terrible, place. The purpose of life on Earth is soul edification. On Earth, we learn valuable lessons. Like how to care about pain we don't feel, which is the pain of other people. How to get along, how to cooperate, sharing is caring! How to care for one's self. All through the context of creatures who evolved from apes. So we as human speak the language of evolution. Evolution is a language. We crave things like freedom from pain, we want nourishment, reproduction (sex). All evolutionary desires.

Through this separation from the ULTIMATE LOVING SOURCE, AKA God, we learn to grow and get along without being in a state of eternal bliss all the time. You will return to that state upon death, unless you are a lost soul who doesn't cross over. Yes, that's the sacrifice of having this school of self-betterment, called Earth. Some people get lost in between dimensions. Hopefully, someone will help them cross over. Until then, they are stuck in a dimension reminiscent of hell.

Self-betterment is just what the part of ourselves, the higher self of each and every one of us, chose to do with our eternity of time. Some souls, not quite so noble. They become evil, bringing down other souls.

So in conclusion, what is the meaning of existence? TO PASS THE TIME THROUGH EDIFICATION AND BETTERMENT OF THE SPIRIT, which creates the most profound sense of joy a soul can experience.

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