Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, December 29, 2023

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter 14

Why don't you tell me how cute I am, Sugar Plum? Alfred told me one night.

Ooh! How cute! You are adorable, Alfred. To me, you are like a little baby bee. I love little baby bees! They are so furry and adorable!

Why don't you say it again?

Widdow baby bee, sitting in a tree, gives me a kiss and he he he!

Keep going, baby gjrl, keep going...

Widdow baby bee, sitting next to me, loving everything I do, that's him and me!

What else do you think of me?

I think you are sweet, and loving, and tender, and a little baby bee!

Now, come up here with me! He grabbed for my arm, he pretended to pull me up to heaven, and I sat next to him and hummed a soft baby bee song.

This went on for quite awhile. Me oohing and ahhing over him, him loving it, and we were doing just fine, until he decided to do an animation for me.

Close your eyes. This is a good one.

There was a dog walking down the street with an owner walking it on a leash. They came up to the vet's office, took the dog to the counter, the dog hopped up on the counter. It was time to put the dog to sleep. They made an incision on the dog's stomach to harvest his organs and gave him a lethal injection.

The dog is going up to the light. The light darts around a little bit, avoiding the dog, and then the dog enters. As he does so, I got an intense pleasure sensation and breathed very deeply.

Wait, there's more. There's more!

The dog is up in heaven, and they are hosing off his silia. And then-

It's time to be reunited with his soul...

I got an intense pleasure sensation again which shocked me, I breathed very deeply and heard the words...

You're mine. Don't you ever forget that.

The vision was over. I started rolling around my bed in lust, without sending it to my soul.

Roll around on the floor. I like it better that way. Send the energy to him.

I started sending the desperate sexual energy to chance.

Wait for it, wait for it, he's going to send you a cord...

I feel a cord connect to my genitals. I start touching myself to try to get the cord deeper, and deeper, and deeper.

That's plenty deep! We don't want this cord that deep!

I stopped after awhile.

Okay, that was an intense cord. It means you will burn in lust whenever he caresses you.

I needed the energy, dumbfuck. I don't like it when you call me a little baby bee. Someone attacked me and drained my energy.

I was a bit embarrassed. I'm sorry. Are you okay now?

Let's do another visualization.

I turn off the light and lay back down on the bed. I see a man, walking a dog, holding a metal detector, looking for treasure. He finds a hole. Drops a bracelet in to test it's depth. Pours out his coffee inside the whole to test it's size. Then the whole starts growing upwards, consuming both of them. As it does so, I get this intense, dark, strong displeasure feeling. I curl up and breathe heavily in discomfort.

This is what you did to me, baby. The moment you started taking Adderall.

You're sorry? You mean it? Well then, show me! Don't show me, show him!

I start burning in lustful agony, and direct that energy at Chance.

Not on the couch on the floor!

I send Chance some more dark lustful energy.

Two can play that game!

He sends me a cord. I let it attach.

Okay, this is a very, very dark cord. It means he will take pleasure in your suffering.

Another one! Now!

I do it again, and he attaches another one.

Okay, this is another dark cord. It means you will be inept at saying no to his sexual advances.

That's not good enough for me baby, I want to make this as dark and dirty as possible.

I stew in lust again for Chance.

Two can play that game!

He attaches another cord.

Okay, this is another dark cord. It means he will he take out his sexual frustrations with you at inopportune times.

I went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I went in the computer room and drank deeply. My soul started complaining to me about everything he thought I'd done wrong in life.

Like with the teacher. Just make your move. Just talk to her! And you continue being sweet to me even though I cause you psychological damage!

He was mad. I still had a very dark feeling left over from what he had done to me, and it was growing. As he complained to me, I thought my soul had turned on me. He was just faking liking me for the energy I sent him when I thought sweet thoughts about him. To drain my precious life force. In reality, he despised me.

Bleed, bitch, bleed!

Okay, this is grandpa. He wasn't supposed to do that. We are not angry, we are mad as hell at him!

Bleed, bitch, bleed!

Okay, here's what's going on. Your soul is a very, very dark soul. We didn't know about this until JUST NOW! You are fine, the mission you are on is still in progress, but we have to get rid of him!

Oh no!


Okay, relax Salioness, calm down. CALM DOWN. That wasn't one of us. That was a spirit from a different spirit circle who didn't know what was going on. The “bleed, bitch, bleed...” that's not him! That's a dark spirit in the room! We did something to him to calm him down on the spiritual plane, he was being unruly. He doesn't mean what he is saying right now. He is being heavily medicated to calm him down.

Later on, Alfred calmed down, and apologized.

You and I are dark souls, Sugar Toots. You know you are dark, you always liked to play games as a kid with dark sexual situations. You know you get a kick out of that stuff, just like I do... I want this situation between chance and you to be as dark and dirty as possible, you know you want that too... We are okay, but if you want to be fruitful and multiply with me you better...

Be fruitful and multiply?

Damn translator! I meant get it on! There is a translator, see, everything we say goes through a translator... Anyway, I love you, always have, always will. We will be together until we split when we both move on to the next dimension. You and me, baby, we go way back. Now, I didn't mean anything I just said to you before this. I was being subdued, and they put me on heavy medication. They had to, because what I was doing was draining your energy and they were losing contact with you.

Really, it wasn't fun what he did to me, but it was no big deal. It didn't bother me that much. It made me feel really important, that it was that important they maintain constant contact with me.

We know where you are going in life and you are going great places. I just wanted you to know, I didn't like the baby bee game, I didn't like you treating me like I was your little child... But I needed the energy, see? It was something one bad soul did to me, they were mad for reasons you wouldn't understand, and they did the equivalent of a spiritual attack on me... The energy rebuilds by itself, but it was easier getting it from you than waiting for it to rebuild... Sugar Toots, don't worry about me, I love you, you are going to great places in life, you are going to get out of your parent's hair and make a living as a psychic medium... Now, why don't you give Maebelle a kiss for me, don't you? It means a lot to me that you still love me, now, bleed, bitch, bleed! I can't believe you believed that was me!

I went to bed that night, feeling good. It was a good night. I was embarrassed about getting into the baby bee game, but it was no big deal. I had Alfred, and he loved me, and I loved him, and that was all that mattered.

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