Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Book of Revelations and Mental Health System Exposees: AT THE SAME TIME?!

 Yes, I am 34, with a guardianship over me. Why? Well, for starters, Disability Rights Oregon never got back to me. That’s why I feel powerless.

Clearly, after your parents get a guardianship over you, there is simply nothing you can do. You need an attorney, and simply it comes back to, Disability Rights Oregon never got back to me. I didn’t know what to do, then got caught up in a whirlwind of the paranormal, as my guides came into my life, and told me I was someone important.

It just happened so fast, was all Rachel had to say about it. One second, I’m a wannabe psychic, then the second... WHAM! Out of nowhere, a REAL one... on top of that... the ticket to understanding Rachel Zuhl’s situation, comes to understanding that Rachel felt powerless because no one was who wasn’t a psychic himself, was going to believe she wasn’t mentally ill.

The ticket to understanding the situation lies in, believe it or not, in the book of Revelations. Specifically, 17:12-17-13. And the ten horns you saw are the ten kings who have not received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind, and they hand their power and authority over to the beast.

That is how you get, as I have spoken of before on here, Subbie and Conscie. Two... Or how many is that? Clearly, Subbie and Conscie are not a simple diad, there are many accessible points in Rachel Zuhl’s awareness. Also, to call Subbie and Conscie but two separate entities, is a misunderstanding of the situation.

Crazy? Well, of course, the Bible does seem a little nuts... Like I said, it takes a man who is a psychic, to understand that Rachel hasn’t completely lost her marbles.

But besides that, it takes speech to access Subbie, most of the time... spoken out loud, through an avenue that usually accomodates conscious monologue. Those around her, when exposed to the truth, start to dream of spiders... at some point, not quite sure which, says some people in the Rachel Zuhl experience.

Clearly, although true, talking out loud all the time to no one around it appears, is not sane, though medication is clearly ineffective, we reckon more medication will in time exclude possibility of malfunction (in other words, you get medicated anyway, you got to endure the tinkering of your doctor anyway, even though it effects nothing, corrects no problems, complete waste of money and time and whatever else). Clearly, Rachel had no witnesses... only God, and the real Christ will be revealed in time.

For it was the Subbie and Conscie situation, which convinced Rachel for so long that she indeed was the Second Coming of Christ... Not the whore of Babylon, as it turns out she is... and that is what the beast is, the false belief that I am Christ. However, as it turns out, I am also on the side of God.

Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.

What is this filth, this debauchery, that Rachel speaks of, in her memoir series? Clearly, it is sin!

Clearly, but not so clearly after all, as times are changing... Sex is no longer a sin.

And so, as a final word, who is the REAL mother of prostitutes? Who is the mighty angel the Bible speaks of, when throwing a stone, talking about, when saying,”So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more?”

The whore of Babylon, is she the mother of prostitutes, as is written on her forehead? Or is the mystery of the sign that it is out of place, and should be on a different woman?

Anyway.. All that, being taken into account...

The stage is set for the return of Jesus. Feeling powerless by the nature of her predicament, and very distracted, Rachel had not yet raised questions in the courts about the guardianships, so the mother of prostitutes remains in charge.

Clearly, the situation has yet to reach a climax.

1 comment:

  1. I'm about ready to climax , no guardianship here , hard to believe such things exist for an adult female of your stature, keep smiling ,your beauty is contagious ;-)
