Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, July 16, 2018

What Atheists Don't Know About Christianity

At first glance, Christianity appears to be a scam. There is a far-fetched story you just have to believe without any (or is there any?) proof, take it "on faith," devote your life to it, and then you get the magical prize at the end of eternal life.

I went on a search for answers awhile back regarding Christianity. I started out a young atheist turned spiritual, then as my delusions began in 2006, started taking the whole idea that Jesus was God seriously. One of the reasons was because during my altered state, I had my God spot activated.

I realized as this began, that it was innate in my own psychology to believe that Jesus Christ was God. So here I was, rational, thinking things out, knowing that any hokey magical story that happened 2000 years ago was a myth... when I find a seed deep inside myself that already believes! I would say I was completely baffled by this, but I wasn't. The whole altered state experience was so life changing, it wasn't at all weird that I left my atheist ways and embraced Christianity afterwards. No hurt feelings about being wrong.

And this is the answer about the human race that the atheists who laugh at Christians do not have. Inside of us all, there is a Christ believer. Though, not literally everyone. I am told by my guides, some people simply do not feel anything at all when they hear about Jesus, when they have Jesus drilled in to them, or whatnot. Still more have to search to find the Christ believer inside themselves.

And then I fast forward a few years to 2013, and my exploration with the hell problem. It comes down to, atheists who scoff at religion say, you are punished for all of eternity with horrible horrible pain for using logic, and saying you are not going to believe a hokey story without any real proof.

When I went on my spiritual quest, I learned that's not it. It comes down to the hell problem, as I philosophized about as I went through altered states. Basically, God doesn't want to send anyone at all to hell. But, it just simply, happens after you die. It's like a bug in the software of the universe. So basically, you believe in Jesus, it creates a shortcut that gets you out of the universe before you are landed in hell and up in heaven with God. At least, this was the only way I could justify this strange set of beliefs. I personally, these days, don't believe in hell. And I understand why anyone confronted with a set of believers who think people who reject Christ deserve to be punished, should reject this set of beliefs and set them straight. Simply put, a loving God wouldn't do that.

And with this set of theories, came THE fundamental truth about the difference between atheists and Christians, according to believers: atheists trust their own brain, to a much larger extent than Christians do. Is this a good thing? I mean it sounds like a good thing. The answer is, NO! Atheists believe they can understand everything.

In my own personal universe here in la la Rachel Zuhl land, I talk to the spirits on a regular basis. I am consistently told, and keep in mind always, that my own brain and my ability to comprehend concepts in their world is very very limited. To the point where they explain things in a cartoonish fashion, or at least they sound that way, or don't explain at all because any explanation would be gibberish.

So can we understand the origins of the universe? NO! We have probably gotten as far as we can really understand, without dipping into miscellaneous minutea. There was a big bang, bam! we have the universe. Sounds a lot like the story of creation in the bible to me. At least, no important differences when it comes down to basic content.

The bible says, kind of like when we tell our kids to say no to drugs, just get saved. So you think, God told me this. God knows more than me. I'm going to get saved even though the basic idea of believing in a sinless being making an impact in where I end up makes no sense to me whatsoever. Kind of like how your eyes gloss over when your dad tries to explain to you how operating systems work.

Of course, I don't believe you need to get saved to avoid hell. But Christians who believe in hell, you use this theory or else you have no argument. There is no explanation for why God sends non believers to hell. Unless you are really so sheltered you think that people who do not think the way you do are inherently evil. And still, you would wonder if an inherently evil person is really so bad it justifies sending them to hell for all eternity.

Why believe in the bible? Well, if you know where to look there is historical evidence. But mostly, you find that seed inside you, innate in human psychology, that tells you that Jesus Christ was real.

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