Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nonsensical Instructions From God

So, I am starting to feel like my whole belief in hell was a delusion.

My idea of hell was based on the idea that there are some inalienable rules of the universe even God couldn't get around. This is something I would wonder about sometime. So, if you are standing on someone's rightside, and you are facing the same direction, is it possible that in some universe they would be standing on your right side also? In this universe it is your left. But maybe in some universe, you could be to there right, and they could be to your right, and you are facing the same direction.

My answer to this question was no. Because God doesn't make logic rules. GOD DOESN'T MAKE LOGIC RULES. And the idea was, in the mind of God, hell is a logic rule. That through choosing God, through being saved, you return to God upon death.

I am having problems with this though. This is just something that I made up. Like my mom commented on, I added to Christian theology in order for it to make sense. Because I couldn't believe in a loving God who willingly sends people to hell for not being saved. I can't believe in something like that because it makes no sense. The only way it makes sense to me is if being saved is some random strange requirement God has for you that doesn't make sense but you just do anyway, because it makes sense to God.

So I have spent time reading the bible, but I haven't gotten all the way through it. I don't believe Jesus ever mentioned hell. I talked to my naturopath, and he told me someone was trying to save him and gave him a bible and it didn't say anything about hell.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if God wanted us to do something that made no sense, like believing a crazy story despite lack of proof, He should have explained to us that this isn't supposed to make any sense but we will be sorry if we don't do it.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't think my view of hell is biblically supported. In order to understand this nonsensical concept called hell, I just made a bunch of stuff up. Why should I believe a bunch of crap that I just made up, and use it as an excuse to become religious?

It's sad because I kind of liked being religious. But the thing is, religious beliefs and delusions are too fucking similar.

1 comment:

  1. You are finally starting to get it, grasshopper.
