Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Zombie Fog

So, why is it that I am tempted to do things like drink and do drugs in social situations? The answer is... to combat Zombie Fog.

I can't drink anymore. Alcohol tears holes in the aura, and you start leaking energy. Which is why the tai chi hasn't been working as fabulously as it should have been. I am now feeling a shift in my energy. I need to give my aura time to recover.

But, Zombie Fog. Zombie Fog is a type of brain fog that prevents me from being social. When I am experiencing Zombie Fog, and I am in a social situation, I feel like just staring blankly off into space and not participating in the conversation. Except, I really want to, but my brain isn't working. I can't think of something appropriate to say.

I drink an drink and it goes away. No more zombie fog. I can talk to people. But it is a double-edged sword, because now there isn't a filter over what I say and I might say something inappropriate. But it is so much fucking better than Zombie Fog. I fucking hate Zombie Fog.

It is difficult to overcome Zombie Fog without the aid of drugs. When I am with people I feel comfortable talking to, there is no Zombie Fog. Like, I can talk to my sister, and there is not even the slightest trace of Zombie Fog. I mean, I might space out sometimes, but it is not like Zombie Fog, where part of my brain is screaming at me, "Rachel! Be social!!" and the other part is like.. "Grog grog grog grog.... I am turning off." So I hate this fucking Zombie Fog. I wish there was some pill you could take to get rid of Zombie Fog. Actually, I am sure there are all sorts of pills you could take that would lessen the effects of Zombie Fog.

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