Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Jason Gives Emily Her "Dream"

The beginning of this story starts about a year ago. One thing that happened around this time, Jason mentioned to Emily that Rachel checks the Roger Hannibal account everytime she is unfriended. This was NOT true. Actually, I assumed Jason wouldn't unfriend me again. So this time, they laughed about how the reaction to another unfriending would be immediate. And unfriended me again, Emily thought she would get a good laugh and ended up getting hurt instead. No, the reaction was not immediate, Subbie decided to check several days later and saw that Roger Hannibal was no longer on her friends list. You know, I wouldn't normally care if Jason was technically my "friend on Facebook," but I got pissed at the diss because the first time this happened, my aura got shattered (what a weird thing to have happen, I know), and I ended up attempting suicide, since I was on the streets. And yes, Rachel was on a Death Plane (spiritual plane) when making the video saying Jason will see her face in his nightmares, by the way. I was close to death. Anyway... Instead of a good cheap laugh Emily was expecting, they got a blog that stayed up one day and then came down, pointing out that Ethan didn't regret committing suicide, and Jason was considered a psychopath by my guides. I took it down right away, went into turmoil for a second, and spiritually attacked Jason and Emily simply by thinking about projecting bad energy. That was all I did to spiritually attack them. Of course, for the let down, Emily wanted revenge. Jason told her about something you can do to people for revenge that is supernatural (a warning sign due to the bad karma you will receive from this situation, both of them), and Emily threw a fit wanted to get her way and said this was her "dream." This is the part I do not understand. What is going through both their minds, but Jason's in particular, when he agrees to this situation. I simply cannot fathom what would bring you to do this to your friend, and neither can the spirit world. This also destroyed what was left of Jason's semi-good reputation on the other side. The good news is, my guides did something to prevent it from having the desired effect on me, and the world remained at peace for the time being in my world, though I was grappling with serious depression anyway at the time due to uncertainty about the mission and whether it was real or not, despite the mindflip, due to the downward spiral in my world. Well, Jason was upset alright about doing this to Rachel, I will tell you that, I don't know exactly what he was thinking but I do know that giving Emily her dream destroyed what was left of Jason (and in turn Emily's) life. Jason got a horrific demon. I don't understand why I didn't suspect this earlier, something was wrong with Jason. My guides said, doing this, despite costing the Farnworth family more than a month's paycheck out of Jason's salary, caused Jason to stop caring about others and be full of hate toward everyone. He got a demon, lost all his friends due to rudeness, wrote to Rachel when she was contemplating suicide and ended up talking her into it, and much much more. It destroyed everything. Jason also got some misconceptions about Rachel, as the demon convinced Jason that Rachel was lying about attempting suicide at all (or at least several of the times) and Jason was mad at Rachel. It defies reason and logic. And after recent events this year, as Jason continuously does black magic and hires others to do black magic, he gets pissed because every single thing he does is unsuccessful. He's trying to get a rise out of Rachel, see. He wants to see fear, screaming, and panic. And I am stellar about remaining calm through it all, as my guides have spent a lot of time training me. Now, after hiring witches to force Rachel to kill herself was unsuccessful (remember, Jason has a demon), it comes out that Rachel was innocent on all charges, she didn't lie about anything at all. We are also in the same boat again as Rachel was with with Hugh, as Jason has a demon and no matter what Rachel says or does, Jason hates her unconditionally. Nowadays, Jason sits in his room day after day and does black magic against Rachel. He remembers what Rachel said about Jason and Rachel's relationship on the other side. Jason does all sorts of degrading things to Rachel and Jason and Rachel both love it, is what I was told. One of the goals of living this lifetime is to end this relationship between Jason and Rachel on the other side, as it hinders Rachel's spiritual growth, and self-respect is a value spirits need. So, Jason casts love spells that have been dwindling in efficacy due to Rachel's growing hatred of Jason. He does things and Jason likes pretending that Rachel loves it too, though he is probably kidding and knows Rachel hates it, he's egged on by the malicious demon inside him. I personally interpret the situation as such, Jason is trying to force Rachel into mental breakdown. On a positive note, this ended up being massively harder than Jason originally thought (understatement). However, despite Rachel clearly being the good guy here, and she is doing God's work... I don't know what Jason is thinking, if he is in denial, or if he just doesn't care which is possible too. Everyone is unhappy with Jason, including Emily as she has to put up with her husband continuously doing love/sex spells on another woman, despite being "so so so moral" and not actually cheating. No one wins in this situation. And Rachel may be suffering on a death plane, as of yesterday. What happens now? DUN DUN DUN... DUN...

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