Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

How Are You Today, Rachel?

How am I doing today? How the hell am I doing today? Well, first and foremost... I'm impressed with myself and how strong I am, that's predominant. I'm feeling confident. Faith is at a high point. There are too many things to think about, like always, but now more than ever! Where do I start? Where the hell do I start here? Well, I don't want to over-extend myself, get over confident with my invincibility, and fall over and flop all of a sudden, is a thought. I have to give myself time to process and settle. Things are weirder than weird as always, but now more than always. Wow, what a year 2022 has been! It's been ridiculous... And as the woh woh woh alarm went off this year, I'm warned here that this might cause fame to seem even more daunting than it already is. Ahhh!! Fame!! Ahh! Shit hits the fan I guess, soon... And time inches by! Slowly, slowly... And I like that. Lots of vibes, weird energy, pings and pongs all over the place... Lots of people thinking about me. You think you know, but you have no idea. "That's the joke." Hated and scorned upon by some, Rachel knows something about the situation that some people would think is ridiculous... What do all these events mean? Something is about to happen, and it's divine intervention. And at first glance... You would think I have a boring life, huh? To whomever... "What goes on in your bedroom, Rachel?" Well, it's well established that after awhile bizarre paranormal phenomenon starts happening, stuff that's in no book. Do people do these things on a conscious level or a subconscious level? I guess subconscious, is a thought. Hmm. Well, one thing that happened, there was a day in my room a situation that came up randomly with both Jason and the witches... (no I was the only one there, okay)... This situation in your life, that's sick and sad and makes us feel rotten. Really, really rotten. And... This may have been them talking to me subconsciously. Or, my guides wanted to point out that particular issue to me and make me think on it. Hmmm.. Then I had a breakthrough. That situation is important to my case. Doop di doop di doop... I'm overwhelmed, self-confidence is sky rocketing, and I'm scared of what happens when I'm famous. I'll do it though, duh. I think I'm overreacting and it will be fine! Will I be happier, though? "Are you happy now?" Huh. Is anyone? The answer is yes but I want change. I want change. All of the things about fame I used to want, don't sound fun anymore. But I want people in my life to talk to about things. What is the real issue? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

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