Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, August 27, 2018

Thinking Outside the Human Framework

Why do people choose atheism?

Well, after all, what do we know? How are we capable of understanding the truth, when we live inside a human framework?

In the primordial days, humans would look to the sky, and assign a human soul to inanimate forces. They would like to the sun, and the sun had a spirit and call it the sun god. They would like to the wind, assign a human soul and call it the god of the wind. The spirit of the river, the spirit of mother nature, the spirit of the almighty force of God.

We, as humans, see human faces in forces of nature that are without souls or life or human characteristics.

Therefore, we took it a step further than you did, Theists. We took the idea that these inanimate forces have souls is a fallacy in human thinking, and applied that concept to the original mover as well. We have a tendency, as humans, to see human faces in things, and that's a proven fact. We atheists see that you have assigned a human face to the original mover, so we have looked beyond the human framework and removed it.

Then, the atheists put their pencils down. We have done our work!

Then Rachel steps in, and she sees this entire thought process as juvenile because it was the same thought process she went through as a kid. She's still holding her pencil.

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Is there a difference between human characteristics such as sex drive, love of food, enjoyment of violence, stuff of that nature, and the basic concept of awareness and consciousness? Can we assign the concept of consciousness to the creational force of the universe, without assigning any of the other human characteristics?

What about the ability to think? Does it take consciousness to think? Do you need to be aware, to think? "I think, therefore I am" comes to mind. What does an inanimate force do that is so important to the universe, that it is more important than conscious thought?

What is superior, consciousness, or lack thereof?

How does an unconscious, unaware universe, create conscious thought processes?

Do you see inherent value in consciousness, or is this some sort of valueless concept that only humans understand? Is thinking a concept devoid of real value, only valued by humans?

What is value? Does consciousness have value? Does the universe understand value? Obviously not, it was created without value, it it is an unconscious creational force. If there is no value, is there also no truth?

Is there a such thing as value?

The universe does not think, only behaves according to predetermined patterns. Can you think without awarness? The universe thinks, without awarness, obviously.

This type of unconscious thinking, is superior to human thinking with requires self-awareness, and is muddied by self-awareness.

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