Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, August 20, 2018

How Scientology Meshes into my Spiritual Belief System

To me, what I have learned about Scientology from Erik is not part of any spiritual belief system. It offers some insight into something about human psychology I wasn't previously aware of.

Engrams. These aren't the "little things that run around," like my mom said. Engrams are a bug in human psychology.

An engram starts when you are in an altered state, whether it be induced by drugs, anger, fear, etc. When you are in an altered state and something that is a big deal happens, like someone is rude to you, an engram is made.

The engram gets activated again when there are a number of similar elements to the time the engram is made, present in your mind at once. They can make you act irrationally, or like you did when the engram was first being made. Whatever you experience at this point, becomes part of the engram. You keep adding to the engram.

In order to do what I do and go through altered state, knowledge of the concept of engrams is a requirement. I have examples of engrams I have dealt with in my life, but none of the examples are examples I would like to share here. That's because they deal with subjects that I am not sharing on my blog at this time, or because I don't want trigger words used against me. Seriously.

So what I am trying to say is, this is just a belief about an aspect of human psychology. It's not really a spiritual belief. I am not a Scientologist, have no desire to convert.

It's basically a belief about patterns of irrational behavior, or irrational reactions to situations, based on how you have reacted to them in the past, or it brings up emotions of your past experience in these situations.

I don't understand why this is seen as crazy. This is a completely reasonable belief. And as I say, who's to say what beliefs are crazy?

It's also part of human psychology, if you are hypnotized, to be very suggestible. If someone tells you, your right arm disappeared, and you are hypnotized, you will start flipping out because you feel you are an amputee.

We can sit back and wonder, why are there so many crazy people in the world? Why are so many people Scientologists? And then we can wonder, why do so many people take part in auditing, in a practice that is obviously, because we read some article on the internet, complete hublub? Obviously these people are deluded and full of shit!

Or we can give people the benefit of the doubt, and say, there are reasons people like this psychological practice, this practice known as Scientology. It benefits a lot of people!


  1. You obviously have not seen any of Leah Remini's series on Scientology.
