Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I Find Truth in Dreams

I had a dream last night that had something that gave me a weird feeling. It was a piece of ancient wisdom.

The ancient wisdom was, "This is a familiar to you because it's been in your mind before."

This was the piece of wisdom.

When I was confronted with this piece of truth, I felt weird. It came like an echo. The truth echoed, oscillated and then made me feel weird when it hit a focus point and there was no running and hiding from this piece of truth. That's the best way I can think of to describe it.

It was an encounter with the life force, the truth, and there was some reference to the Akashic records. At least, the Akashic records were prevelant in my mind when I awoke. The weird feeling was an encounter with the divine. I got closer and closer to experiencing the divine, and when it hit a focal point, there was no running or hiding and it made me feel scared or freaked out though there was nothing in particular I was afraid of. Just freaked out to experience something so raw.

The life force runs through everyone, so everyone has experienced this bit of truth or wisdom in their mind at one point. It runs through everyone's mind like water.

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