Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, March 23, 2015

Parables, Parables!

There was a hobo named Ollie. He enjoyed things of a hobo nature, like fight-picking, and eating beans. One day, he looked in a mirror, and saw his face. It has a scar on his right cheek. He told everyone, hey, I have a scar on my left cheek, but now it looks like it has migrated. He decided not to tell anyone anymore, because they all scoffed at his migration ideas. When he got home, he told his husband. He told him, you are not a boy. You are a man. Here, eat some dog testicles, and tell me what you really think. Did the scar migrate? Or are you not used to seeing your reflection? He undressed his clothes, and they enjoyed each other. The next day, the man without the scar got up, and left. And never came back.

The reason the man left, was because the hobo was so narrow-minded, he did not understand how badly his ideas sounded to others when he spoke them out loud. When he still did not understand why the scar was on his right cheek, the man left, because he knew if he could not understand why the scar was not where he thought it was, he would never get anywhere with his other ideas.

How about a good body rub? No, not a sexual body rub... a massage. We can take off your clothes, rub your body in lotion, and we will have a good idea of how often you need to wear your items in the sink.
When the man took off his clothes, he was seen naked by many a person. At the same instant, someone took a camera and snapped a picture. What is that idea on your leg? A poem? A bracelet? No, it is a symbol meaning we don't like the idea of mean-spiritedness towards men. When you look at it from one direction, it says, freedom for men. From the other, it means, male superiority. From another, it means, we hate women. Then, if you look at it upside down, from my angle, it means, happy life with a woman.

The items in the sink represent ideas of how often you need to perform good fun religious rituals. It is a massage of religious assessment. The reason everyone is watching is because everyone wants to see how often this man needs to, because he is a man of great prestige.

The items in the sink represent ideas of how often you need to perform good fun religious rituals. It is a massage of religious assessment. The reason everyone is watching is because everyone wants to see how often this man needs to, because he is a man of great prestige.

The man told her, I am a man of simple needs. None of this, I will astound you with my wit, man. Or, I will entice you with seduction, woman. I believe in free enterprise, love of woman, and sodomy on Sundays. Not sodomy, oral sex. Yes, oral sex. So, when I tell a woman, let's believe in the power of the Holy Ghost, she will tell me, no man, I am a woman who believes in equal pay, equal rights, and equal participation in child rearing. But I say, no woman, you believe in fornication, because you can't admit that my job pays more than yours. Then, you will understand that I am not what you want me to be, I am a man of destitute, laundering of the nether regions, and polygamy in the name of the lord. Yes, polygamy!

And at that, the woman fondled, her breast, and they made sweet, sweet love by candle light.

A woman once had a lotion and a perfume. She became addicted to the smell. One day, she decided to enamore herself with more than 8 ounces of perfume at the same time. She became addicted to smelling herself. And then, she bought the perfume off the shelf, and it didn't smell the same anymore. She became sad, tied a rope around her neck and hung herself.
This represents drug addictedness. After awhile, you do not become enamored by the same chemicals over and over and over again. The familiar comfort is no longer there. She became one with the idea of having the smell on her nose, and longed for something even deeper, that the perfume could not provide. These things are full of death smells, and longing to smell a perfume is akin to the sweet hum of the neurotransmitter dopamine swimming through the brain things. That is all.

Here is a dog. Don't believe in the dog. If you believe in the dog, it disappears. If you see the dog, it exists. If you believe the dog to be fake, it ripens. If you touch the dog, you become part of it's essence.

 Whatever you do, don't touch the dog.

The dog represents love of spirituality. If you believe in the correctness of your ideas, which are mutually exclusive with other peoples' you are not a good person. If you understand spirituality, it does not bother your senses to understand the other parts of life. If you believe spirituality is fake, you are at the mercy of your own mortality. But if you become one with spirituality, you do not understand what is going on anymore because you have entered and existential crisis. Don't go there, pretentious folk.

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