Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Satan and Adderall: Partners in Business

So, first I'd like to say that Satan is alive and well in society in many ways. Whether you take that as figurative, literal, or some funny combination of the two.

Satan called out to me the day I started doing Adderall. He said to me, Rachel, you are happy now. Ridiculously, ludacrously happy. No more pain. No more unpleasant feelings. I know this is a drug. I know they warned you not to do drugs. I know you know there is really no distinction between prescription drugs and street drugs. Your parents don't know that. But Rachel, everything is okay. All you have to do is take this pill and you will be happy for the rest of your life.

So at first, it was grand. I was happy. I became emaciated. I didn't have to worry about eating too much. Happy, happy, happy. Life couldn't be better.

Well, that was at first. Life slowly started to sink in. There were letdowns. Coming off it. My mom would be horrified if she knew how intense the highs and lows of this drug are.

But it took several years before Satan really started to screw me over. First came the dark spots. The humiliation. Every little thing I had ever done was horribly, horribly humiliating. So let's freak out already. Every moment, every day. Freak out about it. I got relief when I took the Adderall.

After awhile, the high doesn't last very long. Maybe an hour out of every day. And it's not a high anymore. Just normal, everyday good funny weird happy feelings. After that, I felt empty and depressed. Life lacked zest.

Then came the pill thievery. The trying to get more, and more, and more. I didn't care where I got it. I just wanted it. Because, I thought, it was that good. I couldn't enjoy life without it.

So, it would have continued to get worse, and worse, and worse. Oh, and I forgot the paranoia too. There was also paranoia.

But things are okay now. Angels rescued me. My spirit guides. WWWOWOOWOWOW!!! And here is where my mom says, SHE IS DELUDED!!!K!!KJO!JO@!! She's not psychic! She's talking to herself! Talking to herself!


I don't know if people understand that I was a drug addict. I am a recovered drug addict, bitch. Not recovering. Recovered. I don't want that shit anymore. Sure, dopamine production is still not at its peak. But I wouldn't go back to that shit ever. EVAR!!!!!

So there we go. That's it. Satan comes and tells you, forget what you know about drugs. Drugs are good. Feel this. It's good. Everything is a happy gumdrop lollipop fairytale. Just take this pill every day.

And then he fucks you over, slowly but surely.

Don't fall for it. Don't think that just because a doctor prescribed it, it's okay. Avoid that shit. And for the drug addicts. Energy rebalancing, baby. Energy rebalancing.

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