Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Atheist Perspectives

So, my last atheist post made it big on reddit. I was overjoyed when I discovered this. Finally, my work would get notice.

I figured it meant something. I had an opinion on the matter of God that was a tad bit different from what they were used to hearing. That's why it got noticed.

Then come the comments. This is what I am talking about with the atheist idea of intellectual superiority. Let me first say, not all of them were bad. I appreciate people taking the time to comment, to give me something to comment on, but most of all, to give me an idea of what atheists would think of this post. None of their opinions sway me at all in my opinions. But, it was fun.

Then we get the arrogant atheists. They tell me not to write stuff like this on the internet again. Excuse me, this is the internet. I can write whatever the fuck I want to on my blog.

Now, a tangent. I want to respond to the guy whom I told I just make things up and write them here. It should be common knowledge that I am not an authority on most things I talk about here, what I come up with are theories. Writing this blog is an intellectual and spiritual process. It's a space for thinking. I don't believe all the things I say here. Some of them are tongue in cheek. Most of them are not, though, but this is not a scientific blog so you don't come here expecting hard facts. You come here expecting my insightful opinion on such matters.

Anyway, the ones that annoy me, kind of, the atheist remarks, are the ones about humans being nothing but matter. Now, I know better. I know there is spiritual energy. I know the way tai chi effects me. When I first started doing it, after each practice I was left with this phenomenal solid feeling. Tai chi is horrible exercise, not strenuous at all, hardly even exercise. However, it does something else. It's an amazing practice for those who need it. I can feel the movement of the chi.

And I know what atheists will say, oh, it was something else about your body's physiological response to the exercise, it was psychological. However, I get an inkling from it that's not the case. I know I wasn't expecting it to do this. I know it wasn't a normal physiological response to exercise. It was something else entirely, and it was something amazing. So, I get an inkling that there is more to it than that. It involves spiritual energy.

I also believe it from the way homeopathy sometimes effects me. I can feel the effects immediately afterwards, or while I am taking a homeopathic remedy. Of course, atheists will say the same thing, it is psychological. But it isn't. There you go.

So I get sick of the bleak atheist view. The view that we as people don't matter. Sure, we don't matter a lot. There are so many of us, what does a single one matter? More like, the concept of people. Why did all of this amazing stuff come about from the simple bleakness of atoms?

I am losing my train of thought. I have more to say on this topic.

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