Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, September 22, 2014

Organ Meat Christianity and Some Other Things Like Friendly Intelligent Happy Things

So, I wanted to discuss the topic of Christian persecution.

People say, Christian persecution is a myth. Atheists say this. Because atheists like to think that they are the ones that are persecuted.

Sure, they are. But not as much as Christians are.

Atheists get blindsided. At the bus stop, people come up to them, handing them pamphlets, saying, convert or burn in hell! Jesus loves you! You are a heathen! BAAAHHH!!! You are rotten atheist scum and you need to repent repent repent!

And so atheists j abble bitterly about this, and they forget. They forget that they do the same thing to Christians. They say things like, oh, the bible says this, the bible says that. Follow exactly what the bible says because you are supposed to do. That is what you are taught in bible school.

Yeah, Mr. Atheist Fucker, you don't understand the bible. You don't have to follow the bible exactly to be Christian.

I don't tell you how to do your job, you don't tell me how to do mine.

I actually follow my own rules entirely. I don't care what the bible says. I am Christian, I enjoy Buddhism, the dark arts, philosophy, new age philosophies, enlightenment, everything. It is all part of my wonderful, wonderful path.

No one cares what an old book says. It is not about the old book. It is just a book of inspiration. It is not like, you do all this or you go to hell. Those are just the crazy street corner raving lunatics. We don't like them. I enjoy them. But I don't like them. You don't convert anyone that way.

And honestly, you aren't going to hell if you are not Christian. There is no hell. There are things like hell. But no one is damned to hell. Christianity is just part of my spiritual path.

Atheists think they are being smart by pointing out, hey, you don't follow the food rules!! BLAHH MEY EYE OH MEY EYE OH MEOOOW WONK!!!! And they laugh and say, haha the jokes on you! The food rules are over, man. There was a spiritual energy shift. Everything in Leviticus is obsolete! But you don't know this unless you actually know anything about the religion, which atheists don't, they just feel smart lecturing people on thing they know nothing about.

That's why I hate atheists. Not all atheists. Just pathetic atheists. You think you are so smart. Nope. You are not. PEOW!!

And then on the other hand, we have the people saying, well Fundamentalist Christianity and Fundamental Islam are practically the same thing.

Yeah, what with the Sharia law, stoning women to death for being raped, Female Genital Mutilation, general horrible mistreatment of women, and all the bombings and shit. Yeah, occasionally a Christian bombs an abortion center. Same thing, man. Same thing.

Yeah, I wonder about some people.

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