Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Atheism Delusion

So I enjoy the whole God debate. I really do.

One the one hand, you have the theists, you can't perceive of how this world got here without the existence of a divine creator. And then they pull the argument, "well you can't prove god doesn't exist!"

On the other hand, we have the atheists, who's understanding of the argument of the divine is limited, and think that people pull the "well God did it" in argument to fill in their own gaps of ignorance.

I get sick of each side.

Personally, I don't think the idea of God is a filler for the absence of logic.

The most powerful, important thing in the world is consciousness. If there were no consciousness, what do you have? Well, you have atoms, and particles, and waves and neutrinos. But what is all that if no one is around to perceive them?

They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist.

If there is no experience, that's it. They don't exist. It's like the tree falling in the forest. Does it make a sound? Nope. No one hears it. No sound exists. If no one experiences the universe, it is null and void. It might as well not exist. In fact, it doesn't really exist.

These atheist folk, they try hard to rid themselves of the idea that they are the center of the universe. In a way, we are... But that's not the point. They don't think that, because it sounds wrong. Atheists value humility. It is the number one thing atheists value.

Consciousness is a product of the human brain, a human construct. So is physical space, but they don't think that way. You can touch physical space. Things you can see and touch are usually real.

Therefore, they don't want to think that it is in any way shape or form important. It is wonderful, to be sure. But not important.

Wait a second, that's not how they think! It's not wonderful. It's normal. Mundane. Stupid. Pathetic. Something not to even think about. A careless byproduct of the faulty human brain.

So they don't want to think there was a conscious component in the creation of the universe, because that's too heliocentric. I'm not even talking about a Christian God. Just a conscious force. Because they have consciousness, and they don't want to attribute any human characteristics to the universe, since humans are petty, small, insignificant. It is our animalistic, anthropomorphic nature that does this.

Consciousness is not necessarily a human characteristic. It merely means something which is aware, which perceives, which experiences.

The number two atheist value is material things. They like things they can touch. Look at. Feel with their hands. Think about on a physical plane. They like to think that the universe is physical. That it was created by physical means. Everything is physical.

Consciousness is not physical. And so they say... But it is! I can touch the neurotransmitters with my hands!

Can you touch ideas? Emotions? Can you touch happiness? Can you touch sadness?

These are apple/orange ideas. They argue that consciousness is physical. Some do, at least. Because they know this is a shady area, these atheists. This is where things get abstract, and there is no abstract word to describe exactly what consciousness is.

Words are abstract. Concepts are abstract. Thoughts are abstract.

But what about Venn Diagrams? Venn diagrams represent concepts on a physical plane, where they can be touched with your fingers.

Maybe your brain is just a series of Venn diagrams, encoded in a language Earthlings can understand.

And I go off on a tangent.

Luckily, I know better. You can't touch an abstract feeling. What is pain? Is pain a physical item? Is it a particle? A wave? A neutrino?

It is an energetic state.

But you can't pinpoint exactly what it is that experiences pain. It is only one part of you that experiences, one part that thinks.

That is you. The true you. The one and only you.

You are what matters.

So maybe, what is more likely, all the atheist jabble about the big bang? OR DELUSIONAL BELIEFS?

Maybe you are delusional. Maybe nothing exists, except this delusion you have, which doesn't really exist either because it's fake. Maybe you are just an unconscious speck of consciousness dreaming of a pixie earth land, where you meet other souls, experience pain and pleasure, and dream about this concept of the big bang!!

It's not really hard to imagine, but no one wants to think that. Because their brain wants to think that other people exist too, simply because it is hardwired to. It is hardwired to think the universe is physical. It is hardwired to think the physical matters. It is hardwired to think other humans exist, just like you, and have consciousness. You don't question this, these are the facts, man. Dissenters are laughed at. And we are hardwired to think there is a soul in there doing the laughing.

What I am saying is, most Christians, and atheists, both, have childish beliefs. Everyone thinks within a box. What really exists? The thing doing the experiencing? Or the thing that is experienced?

What exists? You? Or the universe?

Why, the thing that is experienced surely exists! Why would I experience it if it didn't exist? I can't rely on the fact that I experience, that doesn't mean I exist!

If it were a choice between one or the other, atheists think the think that is more real is the universe. Because they experience it.

It is all childish jibber jabber. Everyone thinks within a box. We all think within a box. You can't know. YOU CAN'T KNOW. Atheists, you aren't as smart as you think you are. I know you think you are hot stuff, figuring out that Christians have crappy arguments. Doesn't take a genius, smarty pants. But you're views are childish.

Exactly. I was an atheist as a child. Seemed logical, using my childlike logic. Then, I grew up. My logic matured. Now I see through that. It's not my fragile brain can't fathom a universe without a god. I can. Leaves more unanswerable questions than anything. So does the God argument. But unlike you, I acknowledge that consciousness is a more powerful concept than you can ever seem to imagine.

So go ahead and laugh, atheists. Laugh at my crappy arguments.


  1. I'm not laughing at your crappy arguments. They are crappy though. You seem to be willing to paint atheists with a very broad brush. Also, you are confusing atheism with solipsism. Attacking atheism so vehemently tends to make me think you need to do this to shore up your faith in god or christianity. Are you doubting or wavering a bit?

  2. I am not confusing the two, atheism and solipsism. I think solipsism is a more plausible theory than doubting that you have a soul. I take atheism to mean you believe more in the physical world than yourself. I think a more plausible theory is the opposite. That is all I am saying. I don't know if I explained my views well enough, my arguments are vague ideas, not fully formed quite yet, and I have trouble putting them down on paper. What I was trying to do here, and it may have been a feeble attempt, was try to attack atheism from the standpoint of an intellectual. I am sick of stupid arguments for the existence of God and against arguments. That's right, I think Christian arguments are mostly stupid. I think there are intelligent arguments for the existence of God and most Christians, or even non-atheists, don't present them. When I talk about atheists, I don't mean people who don't believe in God or Christianity, I mean people who don't believe in God, the supernatural, or the soul. I do waver in my Christianity quite a bit, but not my belief in God. I wrote this post both out of something like disgust with atheists and with Christians alike. I am sick of the atheist viewpoint being seen as the more intelligent one, which is the common idea in today's society. I may not have explained my ideas concisely enough.

  3. Fair enough, good explanation. I would say this though: I think you're attempting to paint all atheists as having some sort of alternate belief system. We don't, but that's a very common false equivalency that those of faith in god like to pin on us. Speaking for many atheists I know, we don't care about god because it doesn't have any consequence in our lives. Anything that gets in the way of simply living a loving, enriching, meaningful life is too much extra baggage to deal with. Then there's god, who was created in man's image. The atheist viewpoint is not that atheists are smarter than believers. It just seems to work out that way empirically. The more uneducated or primitive a society, the higher the level in religiosity. That's just what I observe in my years of living and watching the news.

  4. I don't thing there is actually a correlation between being religious or atheist and intelligence. There are intelligent and unintelligent people on both sides of the argument. However, it is true that less advanced people are more adamant about religion in a destructive way. God wasn't created in man's image, man isn't created in God's image either, rather, we are all spiritual entities who share similar spiritual characteristics. There is an association, and don't ask me to back me up, that more intelligent people are more open to the idea of the paranormal. I don't know about your beliefs, but I have no beef with atheists who believe or are open to spiritual beliefs, without actually believing in God. I get annoyed with atheists who don't believe in anything at all, the soul, spirits, consciousness, the possibility of the afterlife, anything that makes us more than specks of star dust. It is a common misconception amongst non-religious/spiritually inclined folks that only intellectually weak people believe in the paranormal. In reality this is not the case. So when I disagree with atheists, I am not talking at all about people who disagree with the idea of a christian god, or any god for that matter. My thinking is actually more similar to the way they think than the common Christian nowadays, however I have moved past that belief. At least, that's what I like to think.
