Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

People I Despise

First off, I don't despise very many people at all. Here is just a list of categories of people I look down upon, because I am in a loathing mood.

1. Women. I despise women. Not because women are at all bad (maybe it's my mom, hint hint). But I hate the women stereotypes. Shallow. Dumb. Always shopping. Obsessions with very particular beauty products. Weight obsessed. Food obsessed. Hating their bodies. Despising sex. Easily offended by mysoginistic stuff. Weak. Emotional. Supersticious. Really dumb, believing in things like astrology and numerology. That's the worst one.

2. Work Out Fanatics. YAY!!!! I spent 5 hours at the gym today!!! GO ME!!! YAY!!!! Let's sit around and google work out tips and calorie facts all day long!!! I am a health nut!!! All I care about is my weight!!! Time to go to the gym for the second time today!!! I am on a roll!!!

I know, I know, I know. The reason I hate this one is because it used to be me, and still sometimes is to a lesser extent than it used to be. It is easy to get ferociously obsessed with fitness. It's not a good thing, baby. It's not a good thing. It's bad for your body to work out all the time. YES, IT IS!!! It's bad for your mental health too. People of the opposite sex don't dig it. You are shallow. You lack emotional depth. Your lives are meaningless. The thing I hate the most is when you are in it, you think you are doing so, so well. But you are not.

3. Bipolar People. This is a mean one. I don't have any problem at all with bipolar people themselves. But I have a problem with the notion of what bipolar people are supposed to become. They have to submit to taking their daily antipsychotics. Then, become morbidly obese because the medications leave them with insatiable hunger. They get acne all over their faces. Their lives lack luster, as the medications dull their moods. They live a dull, dreary existence.

4. Atheists. This one is too easy. "Tough luck baby, I know you want to believe you are more than just a meaningless blob of molecules, but, tough, both you and I know you ain't, so quit denying it." No, that's not what I believe, because I know better. You don't understand what I believe because you don't know my life. I understand what you believe. I believed that when I was younger, when I was too young to know better. The other thing I hate is when people say they used to believe in God or the supernatural, but as you get older, you begin to realize this stuff isn't true. And they say it like it is a universal statement. Sorry bitch, not true for me, not true for most people. Quite the opposite.

5. Evangelicals. I enjoy them very much. But they lack a fucking clue. You don't convert anyone standing on street corners spewing propaganda. It sounds good to you, but do you know how it sounds to the people you are spewing to? Ignorant as all fuck. Everything you say sounds horribly deluded. You are so far out of the ball park of what normal people relate, you sound like a fucking idiot. Try perusing and arguing on an online chat forum to get an idea of what normal/painfully dumb but in sync with reality people believe.

6. Gamers. I hate the idea of people who sit around and play computer games all day. The reason is... That's what I used to do!! Do something meaningful with your life that doesn't leave you feeling useless. Save it for every once in awhile. Creative projects.

7. Adderall Junkies and the like. Actually, that's not what I meant. It's people who think, "IT'S OKAY BECAUSE A DOCTOR SAID SO ONE ONE ONE!!!" I remember reading online once, "well a doctor would probably prefer I took a prescription dose of adderall every day than smoke!" "WOW!!! Adderall really boosts creativity!!!" Sure it does, sweetheart. And sure, the doctor wouldn't know any better. But wait until you are 27, have dark spots in the mind where you are horribly embarrassed by things that didn't even you embarrass you a little, laughing your head off, over and over and over again, over things that should have been only funny the first time, showing early symptoms of Parkinson's disease (YES!), and having dull, dreary moods every times you are off the meds, or every evening when the drugs are wearing off. Yes, Adderall does all that, sweety. And I'm only 27. Just wait until you turn 40. I also hate people who thing SSRI's are okay because a doctor prescribed. Not quite as bad, but similar scenario.

8. Dumb Rap Artists and the People Who Listen To Their Music. My sister has CD's of this music, which she says she doesn't like but listens to in the car. Amelodic beats that drive me insane. Lyrics that talk about drinking, smoking dope, boobs, tush, sex. I don't mind when intelligent people sing about sex. I just hate it when dumb people sing about sex. It is the only thing they understand. And not very well. I don't have to say too much about this particular topic, though people understand.

9. People Who Bash Religion All The Time. Yeah bitch, you don't understand it. I got really sick of the God page on Facebook. I liked it, but it had annoying repetitive arguments about atheist superiority that got old and weren't true. In general, though. I don't use the same arguments other Christians use. Take the time to understand what I am saying before responding and assuming I am saying what you think most Christians say, Joey. I don't believe what you think I believe. I don't believe what you believe either. Religion is fun. It is what you make of it. It's not the whole, "Do this or burn!" like most people come to believe growing up in this world, what with the street corner people.

10. Body-Shamers. It's usually women. Men do it just as much, with women, but... they are more realistic, and have their reasons, usually. If they say a woman isn't attractive, it's because they don't find her attractive. For women, it's like, oh she's so fat... then I lose a few pounds... Oooh... she's SCARY skinny! I see it on the internet too. I used to receive newsfeed posts from this one site, which I never subscribed to, showing before and after pictures of women who had taken on exercise routines. First off, it was totally unrealistic, "Week one... Frumpy women. Week three... Total babe!" But anyway, a bunch of women responded, and they are like, she is SCARY skinny now! She looked much better before! And you are like, actually, she looked WAY better afterward! You people are just jealous! Anyway.

11. Slut Shamers. I hate teenage girls and women who are like, "Oh, that woman left the bar with a man! She is so like a total slut!" Get over it, prude. Mind your own business.

12. Bitchy Women. Women who think it's empowering to bitch people out because they deserve it. So they throw a hissy fit, not knowing the full story, or that they are the ones in the wrong. They operate under the assumption that there are too many dumb people in the world (which there are, and it's them), and that these people need to be shown a lessen. And bitching people out, insulting them and appearing like a raving lunatic is what strong women do.

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