Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Great Friends and People

So, what I wanted to talk about today... Is the fact that I have good friends. Very, very good friends. I love all the people I consider friends very, very much. Because they are all great people whom I appreciate.

Great people are attracted to me, and I am attracted to great people. Not in a sexual way, obviously. Just in general. A general rule of thumb is, like-minded people attract like-minded people. I am a positive, emotionally healthy, spiritually aware people. I attract people on the same wavelength, or similar wavelengths.

My sister is a negative person. I like her a lot. Very much so. But whenever I see her, she is bitching about something in her life. She tells me about all these very negative encounters she has with other people. She meets people, and they are like the worst people ever.

Which makes me wonder, why are the people who always talk to me the best people ever? I don't have any people like that in my life. The only people that enter my life that I don't really like are the people who come up and talk to me when I am standing on street corners, or somewhere random, and want my number. So I think, hey, I can use a new friend... Then I get to texting, and lose interest because they do something like ask for sexy pictures, or just appear uninteresting.

Some good people have leeches. This is a completely different phenomenon. They are positive people, but they attract people who feed off their positivity. I don't have leeches. My guides tell me it is something in their aura.

Erik is a great guy. My mom hates him. I remember one of the reasons. We ate dinner together one time, the three of us. My mom said something about public school, and he made a face. That was it, a face. He is homeschooled. He doesn't like the idea of public school. Big deal. But according to my mom, you could see the sociopath in his eyes when he made that face. She thought he was a sociopath, and she hardly knew him at all.

The thing I hate more than anything else is that at the time I knew better, but than a few months later I came down with a case of misconstrued ideas and funny reasoning abilities, and I decided it was true and accused Erik of being a sociopath. I knew better, but the thing that was getting at me was that he is incredibly arrogant and I got the impression that it was ever so slightly socially isolated, though my guides tell me that isn't true. I believed it at the time, though. I am mad at myself for ever thinking/doing this because I knew better, very much so, I was just in a weird space. He is very, very caring. And my mom says, "well he is manipulative." That in a nutshell is why I hate my mom.

Another great person I met one day was Larry. He was this big black guy I met downtown. I was upset because I had a date and he stood me up. I walked out of Starbucks, and Larry walks up to me and says, "Excuse me miss, your beauty is a duty." I'm actually not sure that's how it happens, but that's how he always tells the story. He cheered me up big time, and is one of my favorite people I know in real life, though I haven't talked to him since January. My mom wondered about him, because he always hung out downtown but didn't live there, and forbid me from going downtown. I think she thought he was some sort of sex trafficker praying upon me. I knew better. There are tell tale signs of things like that. I knew he was a good guy, one of the conscious reasons was because of the way we would be standing somewhere and he would always say hi to people who pass. Not because he was being friendly, but because he actually knew quite a few people because he was a very social, well-known, positive individual. He was an extremely fun person to be around. I feel confident that we will be friends later in life, but right now I am not in a place where we can actually actively be friends.

There are a lot of people I really, really love in the world. Friends, current or former/future. Famous people. I love right-wing commentators. They are entertainers. They say things in effort to shock people, because that's their job and what they do best. They exaggerate immensely. I am talking about people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. I appreciate both these people. Ann Coulter is funny, I appreciate her style but disapprove of some of her tactics. The thing I disapprove of immensely is that she makes up facts in her books. Seriously. Not cool, not cool.

What it is is the opening of the heart chakra. It makes me love and appreciate people more.

I actually do like my dad a lot, I just disapprove of him sometimes. Not because of his beliefs, but because of his opinions on my mental condition sometimes.

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