Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Is the brain capable of understanding itself?

So I say, we are conscious beings, and I can't imagine a universe without consciousness. Is this because I am a conscious being? Maybe being a conscious being isn't all that great, it just seems great because I am a conscious being.

We have to look with a subjective eye. If we look at planets and say, that isn't ugly, or that isn't pretty, because it is all objective, what do we have? Is that how the universe is?

Subjectivity comes from human or animal experience, through pleasure and pain. So we say, something is good, because it brings us pleasure. But things that bring us pleasure, they just bring us pleasure because of our biological evolutionary development. We like the sun, because it allows us to see, and it is warm, and warm is nice, because when we are warm are body doesn't have to work as hard to keep the right temperature.

But we all evolve differently and grow up differently, so what we like all depends on the wonderful chemical dopamine.

If we didn't have consciousness, we wouldn't understand what fun or pain is. What does it mean to experience something, but not hate the experience? Or to like the experience? It comes down to free will. Given the choice between two experiences, we choose the fun experience. Understanding this comes down to choices.

Except that if you are not conscious, you cannot understand much of anything.

Is the universe objective?

What is the point of the universe?

The universe is about teaching. Through evolution, pleasure and pain evolved, and your connection to fellow souls is weakened. So, the point is to bring about unity, while still being separate. To go for the well-being of the many over the well-being of just you.

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