Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Novel Ideas

So I was thinking about ideas for novels.

If I had to write a novel, I would have to write a young adult novel. Because, I'm not old enough to write adult fiction.

So I got this idea, and I realized that it was kind of like Donnie Darko. Except it isn't Donnie Darko. So, there is this young boy. This boy is kind of like me, if I were a boy. And he is delusional. And he gets some crazy idea and wants to start a cult for it. So he goes somewhere and passes out flyers, and he bumps into this young girl. She is pretty, but she has red frizzy hair and glasses, and she is in high school and is kind of an outcast. People make fun of her a lot. She is smart but lonely and incredibly gullible, so she falls for this guy and believes him.

What I'm thinking is, there should be some sort of reason she believes him. Likes, he starts talking about something that isn't real but that she believes in and she believes it is responsible for her father's death. Like some sort of monster.

And then they start a romance. And this guy thinks this girls is like, one step below messiah. No, I know, she is kind of like the virgin Mary, only not necessarily a virgin, but she is going to give birth to the messiah. But for whatever reason, this guy is conservative about sex, so he doesn't just try to impregnate her outright.

So anyway, there is a romance between them. And his motivation is to impregnate her so she can give birth to the messiah.

No wait, I know, this should be about global warming.

But this girl, she is motivated by fear. And she is trying to latch onto this guy to save herself.

No I think this guy should be Christian, like a really crazy sect of Christianity, and she is supposed to be the mother of the next Jesus.

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