Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, June 23, 2018

What has gone wrong in our country?

Was it too soon for a black president?

This is a fucking annoying question for most people. No we are not racist we have no problem with the color of Obama's skin. But some might say, lack of enthusiasm about an outstanding president led to apathy in the 2016 election.

What I want to know is, did we as a country stop caring about the environment or something? So Donald Trump basically shuts down the EPA, appoints someone who doesn't believe in the department, and they withdraw a bunch of regulations. Do forty-five percent of the country really approve of Donald Trump's job performance? What happened to caring about the environment?

Or did Bernie Sanders garner too much support? Was the Bernie Sanders bandwagon too big, too strong, that when he lost the primary, his supporters flat out failed to get on the Hillary bandwagon? This is what I think.

And, I think there may be some truth that it was too soon for a black president. Obviously, me and everyone I know can handle a black man in the white house. I know that with my friends, for the people who didn't support Obama, it wasn't because he's black. But can I speak for everyone in the country?

The real answer is, I don't know, and I'm not really qualified to make a judgment call either way.

What I know is, I'm concerned about global warming. I'm concerned about a nation that has turned apathetic to environmental issues. And I'm concerned about North Korea.

Now, this is the thing that got me. Donald Trump met with Kim Jung Un, bla bla bla, Kim Jung Un smiled and said he would put a stop to his testing of nuclear weapons. Is anyone buying this? Two seconds later, there are some people in Norway nominating Donald Trump for the Nobel Prize. Now, woah woah woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I find it hard to believe that Kim Jung Un is going to stop dealing with nuclear weapons right off the bat like that.

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