Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, June 3, 2018

God Release the Innocent

Rachel stood outside a garden, holding a Jesus pamphlet that a corner preacher man had given her.

"Does he speak truth?" Rachel asked God, referring to the corner preacher man.

"Bits and pieces," God answered, and gave her a nudge. "Enter, this is your garden."

"I have no desire to own the Earth, just like a have no desire to work the soil."

"Well, I do not ask that you work the soil. We have Earth dwellers to do that for you. Enter the garden and I will show you something."

Rachel entered the garden, walked around, and sniffed the flowers. The sun was out and the moon was shining, both at the same time.

"Do you consider yourself worthy of this garden?" God asked Rachel.

"Well, it is very pretty, but I have no desire to own the Earth. This Earth belongs to you, God."

"Well, it is our special place. Yours and mine. And you didn't ask you your question. Do you consider yourself worthy of all that I have bestowed upon you?"

"It came with a price. I passed every test you threw at me. So yes. But I have no money to pay a gardener."

"Riches will come with time. Now sit."

Rachel sat down in the corner of the garden.

"Look at the pamphlet the preacher man gave you."

Rachel looked at the cover. It was titled, "Your Suffering Has a Purpose."

"Rachel, where does suffering come from?"

"From God, and his desire to see you grow."

"Have you grown from your suffering?"

Rachel laughed. "Well yes. But has the homeless man?"

"That's not what I asked. Do you believe all suffering has a purpose?"


"Do you have enough money for bus fare?"

"Yes, barely."

'So let's go."

Rachel left on the next bus, and went on a journey of the mind. She visited far away planets and lost civilizations, ate the food of the gods and puked out the remains of her iniquities. After all was said and done, one question was left in Rachel's mind. Who pays the price when a civilization forgets who they are?

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