Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Your Suffering Has a Purpose

The reason each and every one of us come to Earth is simple: spiritual growth.

Some say, why is there so much pain? Pretty lousy job, the creator did. In reality, God did not design the Earth to be fun. Each and every one of us grow from the negative experiences we have and flourish in spirit do to the hard times we experience.

I wanted to talk about the Stanley Milgram experiment. This is the experiment where participants were asked to administer an electric shock to a guy who seemed to be having some sort of heart problem as a result of the electric shocks. Some have asked, is this experiment ethical? When participants obeyed authority anyway, and continued to administer electric shocks anyway, it made them question their own internal goodness when they discovered that the entire purpose of the experiment was to test their own willingness to comply despite harming another human being, and the right thing to do would have been to get up and leave.

My spirit guides told me they liked this experiment. Every single one of the participants grew in good as a result of being told, either you have something wrong with you, or you did the right thing.

We don't think complying with the "experiment" in this case should be considered normal behavior, but of course it is common.

What I'm trying to say is, bringing into question someone's inherent goodness, saying hey, that's sociopathic behavior, in a real way, helps peoples' growth and is encouraged.

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