Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Landing on my Feet

So I had a weird dream last night. I was back in Idaho, driving out in the country with my parents and another guy. We were driving high above this valley, when suddenly, the car fell off the road, and was falling down into the valley where we would surely all die. But as we were falling, I flew out of the car, and I landed on my feet in the valley. My dad did the same thing. However, my mom and the other guy were killed. I was so excited about having survived, being not injured, and landing on my feet that I kept saying "praise God! You do exist!" over and over again and I kept going on about God. Then my dad says, "hey, where's your mom?" And I'm like "dude, she didn't survive. She's dead." Then I woke up.

Overall this was a good dream.


  1. That's very interesting. Cool!

  2. You do realize, don't you, that all the players in your dreams, even if they are familiar to you in your every day waking life, are aspects of your own psyche? Sort of like what Shakespeare said, "All the world is but a stage, be thou the joyful player." Your dreams are your stage, your psyche chooses the actors.

  3. Yes I've heard that. I was so excited about landing on my feet myself when I thought I was going to die that I didn't even care that my mom and the other guy died.

  4. Yes, you could ask yourself what parts of your psyche needed to be represented by mom and other guy. In your dream, they're "you" not some separate entity.
