Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kicking Benzos an Energy Onslaughts

So, I am trying to kick the benzos again.

I was put back on Ativan back several months ago when I was at the hospital. After I had worked so hard going off Klonopin. Two milligrams Ativan. Whew, that's a lot. And back at the hospital that wasn't per day, that was every four hours as needed.

Out of the hospital, I only took two a day. Still, two is a shitload.

Why did I decide to go off Ativan? Because Ativan is a horrible, addictive, lessening drug, which lessens your psychic abilities.

Yes, that was the reason I chose to go off it. To get back my psychic abilities.

There was a time back last spring when I was developing my psychic abilities. I could practice by doing picture readings on people. There is this website for psychic abilities where you can post a picture of yourself, and people will read you by looking at your picture. So I was reading people there, and the people told me the stuff I told them was accurate.

Also, I was often times hit by other people's energy. If someone has a strong emotion directed at me, I felt the energy hit me. I wasn't sure who it was, unless there was some sort of logical explanation why it was a particular person.

Actually, it was kind of annoying, because I'd be working on something and it would be like, "Hey! Someone's talking about you right now!" I'm sure I wouldn't feel it every time someone talked about me, only if it was someone who was a particularly loud thinker. Whatever it means to be a loud thinker.

I'm down to a half a milligram of Ativan per night. Once off, I will also need to do some tai chi to strengthen my aura.

Actually, I've been trying to do tai chi, but I can't get up early enough. I sleep too late. Tai chi is at eleven. I can't get up in time to go to an eleven o'clock tai chi class.

Maybe when I am off Ativan and doing tai chi, I can take some like psychic development classes or something, to learn all the tricks behind telepathic communication.


  1. You go girl! I haven't been on Facebook in a while. Yah I'm kind of an empath and I feel energy and different emotion around me. It gets intense sometime. Also when I meditate I can see light in various places in the room. I can see energy. And I can feel my guardian angels poke me sometimes either to play or when I'm sad. And they go in my dreams sometimes and play with me jokingly I guess I'm just in tuned with stuff... But anyway Rachel... I've heard meditating and breathing into your heart chakra helps tune your psychic abilities at least for me anyway. Breathing into your third eye doesn't work for me. My mom has a friend who sort of a psychic hippie healer and she says breathing into you heart chakra a couple a times a day or more helps balance and strengthen intuitive senses. Hope this helps. (Hugs)

  2. You need to get back on Facebook, Iizzii. I've wanted to start meditating but haven't gotten around to it. When I started doing tai chi last year I found that that helped a lot making me more psychic.

  3. I had taken a break from Facebook but I got back onto it this morning. But yeah that's cool I've actually never tried tai chi... Maybe I'll try it sometime.
