Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, January 17, 2014

I'll Never Go Sci Fi

Sometimes it makes me mad that people don't believe in things that I believe in. And it makes me mad that it makes me mad, because I know it shouldn't bother me. If anything, I should feel sorry for people who don't believe in the spiritual side of existence.

Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't believe in spiritual sorts of magic. I would think a whole lot different, for one. Actually, I would probably be a lot saner. That says nothing about the actual validity of this spiritual magical stuff, because while I believe it is real, I have a tendency, when I am delusional or thinking a bit on the delusional side, to let my belief in that stuff get carried away with me. So if I didn't think telepathy, or spiritual communication, or other sort of psychic phenomena was possible, fuck, I don't honestly see how I could convince myself of anything delusional. Because how would I explain the stuff I was imagining inside my head, the voices, if it wasn't some sort of psychic phenomena? There's no other explanation unless you go sci fi, and say that someone implanted a chip inside my head that was broadcasting information to me. And I honestly can't see myself go sci fi. If I ever go sci fi with my delusions, it would be a good time for someone to shoot me in the head. It's always going to be psychic. Always.

Anyway, so they say, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." I say, define extraordinary. It is an error in the way you people think that you find this kind of stuff to be extraordinary. It's all ordinary to me. Psychic phenomena is totally ordinary. I don't even see how people are really impressed by it anymore, it is so ordinary. I mean, we've all had our psychic moments. Or have we all? The trouble is, the type of people who are disbelieving of psychic phenomena are the types of people who have no psychic abilities themselves. Because when certain things happen to us privileged psychic types, we think, oh, that was psychic, and we give it no second thought. And it happens over and over and over again, rearing it's psychic head in different ways.

It's like talking to a blind man. A person who has been blind from birth. They cannot see what's in front of them, and must feel their away around. To a society of blind people, the idea that you can sense something with your eyes without coming into contact with it might seem like an extraordinary claim. An extraordinary claim, which would require extraordinary proof. And how do you prove this to a blind man? He cannot see, so if you sense something before he runs into it, he will just say you were touching the object, or had been there before and felt your way around. There's no getting through to a blind man, I tell you. No getting through to a blind man.

It is the same with psychic abilities, to the general population. It's like a population of blind men. If you know something about someone without being told, they will just tell you that you did research. And the thing is, the thing about the nature of psychic abilities is, they can be pretty vague, in what a psychic sees about someone. To the point where someone may say, "oh that's true for just about anyone!" Or they somehow inferred it from what they told you. And the thing about this is, it sometimes can be the case, but not always. One time, I saw an ad for a free personalized astrology reading. And I thought, hey, it's personalized, and it's free, what do I have to lose?! Anyway, so I ordered one, and what I got back was a short report of vague things that are true for everyone. Things like, "I sense a period in your life, perhaps in your teenage years, where you walked on the edge of existence, and felt that no one really understood you." Yeah, sure. That happens to everyone.

Anyway, where was I going with this?

If you think critically about what a psychic told you, you can decide whether or not the psychic was cold reading you or not. A lot of times when you talk to a psychic, you receive no indication that they are actually psychic, you kind of have to take it on faith. But sometimes you don't, and sometimes you have those special personal psychic experiences where you feel that something will happen, something that seems very unlikely, and then lo and behold it happens. Or sometimes, you feel the guiding hand of God. Sometimes.

So anyway, what I am trying to say is, the part of the population that is more limited in their thinking is more likely to deem a greater number of things extraordinary, and thus be not satisfied with any amount of proof you give them because it isn't "extraordinary" enough.


  1. My hit on this post is that you are either off your meds, or that your meds need to be adjusted. You are starting to sound grandiose again and that worries me. Regardless of what you believe spiritually or psychically, you duty in as a sentient being is to live in this world, not some spiritual plane. If you don't, the physical plane...this world...will eat you alive. You are young and your duty, as Carl Jung would say, is to establish your place in this world. Leave your spiritual meandering to the second part of your life. Pursuing the spiritual without worldly experience is hubris.

  2. The spiritual plan is an integral part of this world, they are not two separate things. You can experience the spiritual essence of life and be on the physical plane. I am not talking about stuff like astral travel. My meds are fine.

  3. I wasn't referring to astral travel. The spiritual plane, as you say, is an integral part of existence but will take care of itself when one engages in an ethical, meaningful, grounded life. One needs to crawl before walking. Establishing yourself on the physical plane is your first duty in life on this planet, then the spiritual deepening will follow. Maslow spoke about a hierarchy of needs. Establishing yourself in the world, being able to feed yourself, put a roof over your head, etc. are the top needs. Pursuing spiritual awareness when you can't even be a free-standing individual in the world is futile unless you can establish a way to live in the world as an autonomous,being. Since you appear to have studied the bible, you may want to revisit the parable of the wedding feast. Paraphrased, a guy sneaks into the wedding feast where much intense enjoyment and merriment is occurring. He is soon discovered and ordered bound hand and foot and cast into the outer darkness. In other words, he did not *earn* his way into the feast: he cheated. He sneaked in. Baba Ram Dass experienced the same sort of thing when he was experimenting with spiritual awareness through the use of LSD. The sooner you realize you are an intelligent and sensitive human being, and not the second coming of christ or some sort of shaman or sage, the better off you'll be in the world. The path forward is not through hubris, but through humbleness. The ego is a necessity, but can be a very tricky thing. It can trick you into thinking you're greater than you are. Be content to be just who you are, no greater or lesser. The sooner the better.

  4. I'm working on making money but I don't see why I have to be making money in order to think spiritually about the universe. My current circumstances shouldn't control the way I think.

  5. Living, and being fully engaged, on the physical plane is not the same as making money. The two can coexist, of course. Nothing I said indicated that one has to be making money first in order to think spiritually about the universe. More to the point, it's a matter of balance in life. Live life, make money, but don't get overly attached to the money. Think spiritually, but don't spend so much time on it that your existence on the physical plane becomes problematic. The spiritual will become more meaningful when grounded in real life experiences rather than intuitive speculation.

  6. Anonomous I agree with Rachel money is not important... Money is just an object. The inner being of ones soul is much more important. I don't think Rachel is crazy. I think shes a very thoughtful thinker and very intuned and notices many things around her that some people just don't think about. I have very similar opinions as Rachel. Everyone one has their own personality and thought of spirituality. Everyone sees things differently in their vision of spirituality in a sense were all one were all related.

    Rachel I like you and your beliefs and who you are if people want you to change to meet their needs or because society demands it don't listen. Be you. Your the best you.

    I hope to read more. And please let me know what you think of my blog so far I like to hear other peoples thoughts. Thoughts are interesting.

  7. Which blog? Last time I checked you had more than one. I don't remember what your blog was called, but I read it before and it was good and kind of funny.

  8. Its called gyneth quinn if you search that name on Google you'll prably find the blog. I've actually written a lot more too it. Its pretty random. Its somewhere where I can goof off
