Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Updates Schmupdates: Two Days in Hell 2024

So, I was arrested. This wouldn't have happened if I was thinking clearly, but I was not thinking clearly admittedly and there is no excuse for my behavior if I wasn't on a mission with Strange Psychology. For the record, I got an A on the mission. 11 out of 10 due to the extremity of she shit I've put up with towards the end. Everywhere I go, everyone is trying to stop Me. Here at the ranch, I asked for nicotine gum a few days ago, there was this rehearsed bull crap where these two ladies groaned and said they gave me one two minutes ago. This was a plan to get me kicked out, if they had given me a piece of nicotine gum two minutes ago, I would have had one in my mouth. They had not, they were trying to anger me to find an excuse to call the cops. I just laughed and said, well, after the moment with the angel during Suicide For Hire telling me I would be proud of myself if I got over this situation right away so just do it, I did that with the nicotine gum situation, laughed and said by fuckers and headed out to the store. Well, they did try this shit again on me, and I knew that weird plan only worked once, so I did and I don't remember what happened because my brain is Fucked. I ended up calling the cops and then 911 for some reason that was strange, went to the hospital, told them I had a sick feeling on the phone because I did have a sick feeling, it was one of those things related to not being human where I don't have normal feelings in my body I have alien feelings and stuff related to the spiritual planes or the mindflip or whatever.

Anyway, so I went to the ER, they did an ultrasound and it turned out I just was really really constipated. They gave me a saline laxative which I immediately started drinking down like it was water, they told me I needed to leave and if I didn't immediately leave they would call the cops. Like, can't I stay and use the restroom? I'm drinking a laxative and I don't want to shit my pants! I couldn't think clearly and I kept arguing because I'm not sure, but I really couldn't think clearly. I was taken to a police station and my memory is fuzzy, the guy had to finger print me and he sucked at finger printing, I don't remember, don't remember and then at some point I was reaching for a police man's gun telling him to shoot me which I later pointed to as a fatal mistake in the situation, it would probably be dropped if I hadn't done that.

I had to spend two days in jail, and time did something strange to make me feel like it was an eternity because it felt like an eternity. I was in the worst mood of my entire life, I couldn't do anything besided lie in fetal position under a bunch of blankets.... Oh, and they didn't at first give me a room with a restroom, I was in a cell with no restroom and I tried to just piss on the floor but ended up just pissing or ejecting from my body from some crevice a drop of blood. Then, I had a revelation about Subbie that I don't want to share. Then, I was moved to a cell with no privacy when I used the restroom, shit constantly but there was nothing to do. I had screamed help! rhythmically beforehand and got in an argument with the woman in another cell who I could not see. It would have been a lot easier if they ever turned off the lights in the cell, I would have just gone to sleep but there was this light in my eyes the entire time and I had to put blankets over my head and it smelled because they had urine on them when they first gave them to me, there were people in other cells making fun of me and they eventually stopped. This was the worst experience of my entire life, then I fell asleep. I thought something dysphoric about the mission that didn't really make sense, in essence that there was no mission. Then, I woke laughing from a dream I didn't remember there was only this part at the end in my head where I decided to "Revise the livejournal." And I woke up laughing with some sort of Terminator or no one exists but me and this was a mission to get rid of some sort of infection, some thing that didn't really make sense but I knew it would be okay, the mission was a complete and now all I had to do was die and Jesus would return. And this remains true.

I had to lie in fetal position, and then my brain becomes confused as I write this as I am still trying to calm down from the experience. I felt what the spirits meant when they said that pain only exists during lifetimes, this one feeling leaves and it is related to "density" or something that I can't really put into words. Then, Jon Stewart hugged me on the spiritual plane and said you are hot. There were some other things which I will leave out.

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