Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Safety Pin Is Stabbed Through the Flesh Between Thumb and Index Finger!

I had this dream when I was in the dear parts of my Innercept relinquish and hold on to the rebelllious spirit of youth, phase. Spirit Guides! YES.

And.... I was at stabilization after coming back to Innercept drunk from a visit home or to my parent's house, it's a home of sorts. And then I got sent to stable. The story here is I was trying to sleep one night in that lovely environment, in a nice bed, and I kept having what I call sleep paralysis because it fits the definition enough, where I had a safety pin in the flesh between my index finger and thumb, and I would be in my bed and try to take it out, then start spinning or whirling around in a circle. This sleep paralysis has occurred randomly in my life, notably in 8th grade and another time, maybe with Ted at the house and stuff, Junior Year of High School. It is caused by the tickling, a slight abnormality in my brain while sleeping, a defect.

Also, it occurred at one point at the start of the mission, or around November (Alfred's attack), I was in a dream on a roller coaster clicking upward ominously, I said "Hey God can you help me?" I woke up and He said, "I didn't like the looks of that. Go drink some water please." And that's my favorite part of the story of the mission because the rest was kind of ominous and I get stuck with explaining how weird and funny it was but bad at times.

The social predicament though. Actually, that comes up as another reason I would have a pin in my arms besides Geodon (this dream or experience (better wprd is experience) happened in 2009 in the summer, before I was sent backward to the fallout choice from Transition, Intensive Transition where people were not happy.

I was not happy ever. I mean usually I found the good in life, and I realize the 8th Grade Dumb Spiritual Plane Choice From Spirit Guides might permanently cause me to "gorge" or a mannerism when injesting food or drugs or both, at the same time, as in cofveve... Or coffee, God that guy hates me too! Donald Trump hates me! No, he just said suck a cock..


Anyway, Indeed.

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