Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Pixies: The Dreams of My Youth

When I was around 3-4 years old, I used to dream about these "pixies" or fairies. I had dreams where there were a bunch of pixies who were my friends, and we would hang out but they were of a higher frequency/wave length or invisible maybe but I could see them. In one of the dreams, I was listening to them and keeping in close contact and wandering the neighborhood, and I was in terms I could understand back then a "princess," however I do not admire princesses because as my spirit guides have explained to me princesses were actually rude and annoying. In one of the dreams, I was sitting in a swimming pool with my dad the king, and I could fly all of a sudden, and I lifted up out of the pool to leave, and he pulled me back. I had a lot of dreams where I could fly, and no one else could. In the other most memorable one, my mother was showing me and my sister a place where we would take swimming lessons. A teenage or older boy appeared on the sidewalk in a bike (I think I was 4/5 years old when I had this dream), and he came at me like he was going to run into me. I showed him though, I showed him by leaping into the air and showing him I could fly. When I awoke, I woke with a great feeling, and I was sleeping at my Aunt Diane's house in Indiana, where we would go for part of the summer.

I tried to explain to Jason, you know I had a grandiose "special" or advanced or spiritually advanced feeling as a child, and it was not at other's expense but he never would listen, or the time we talked about it he acted like it meant I was a narcissist. I heavily disagree with this. I also know, at the age of four, I had a dream where an image appeared on the screen, saying I was on a mission and this was both a blessing (or a spirit word meaninng movie magic) and a curse, something bad was about to happen. I had a dream where some kids beat me to a bloody pulp. Then, they were swaying in the reeds gently from side to side, in a dream represented by cartoon children and gentle swaying, I woke and puked. All my life, I have only remembered consciously from this dream, the gentl side to side swaying of the children and the reeds, and then waking and puking. Such a calm dream, to be followed with puking. Then, Subbie told me that this was the dream where I learned I was on a mission from the spirit world and I was not normal, though I never consciously knew until recently.

You know, I have gone years and years trying to understand conscious/subconscious awareness and how at all levels I am still "me." At some point, I eventually stopped asking questions. You can act like it is illogical, or understand that the same reason I believe in the mindflip, is why you know at the beginning that you are your subconscious, it is not some sort of possession. I know, and I tell you this now and in the end you will be like the tranvestite, screwed and fucked, forever and ever.

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