Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Gun Violence: The Real Cause

So why are there so many shootings in the United States of America?

Well, there are a lot of factors. One factor is, video games and television. Violence in American movies and on TV popularizes the idea that guns are cool.

However, that's not the real cause of violence. The real cause is the American Dream.

So, why is there so much violence in schools? The real reason is, snobbery.

Kids picking on other kids. The reason is, they look at other kids, don't like their dress... pick on them for what they wear.

"When a kid gets bullied and shoots up his school and they blame it on Marilyn, or the heroine, where were the parents at? Now look where it's at. Mental America, NOW it's a tragedy..."

This is a line from the Eminem song The Way I Am. So, are the bullies at fault for school shootings? The real answer is no, but there is some argument to be made. Every day, they are picked on about something they don't value. The price of their clothes. So, after awhile, they think, hey, you know what else you value that I don't? SAFETY! The kid says, I am suicidally depressed. What sounds like fun to me? Hunting you down and blowing your brains out!

And it's my advice that if you are thinking this, or this is your reasoning... Please don't do it. Remove yourself from the situation instead.

So, what is the problem here? Classism! In America, kids are picked on for the way they dress. If kids could just learn to live with the fact that some people don't dress the same way, then maybe we could prevent school shootings.


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