Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why God Allows Suffering: The Answer to a Stupid Question

So today I am going to answer the age-old question of: If God is so good, why does He allow suffering?

I am, of course, qualified to answer these questions, because I just know things like this.

The reason why God allows suffering is pretty much the same reason why we choose not to take drugs to go into an artificial state of bliss for the rest of our lives. It's the same reason why we choose the truth over a sugar-coated lie. It's the same reason why people pursue lives of value, and do things like dedicate their lives to science, to learning, to achievement, rather than lives filled with lowly pleasures.

Sure, God could have made a happy sugary fairyland Earth. But who wants to live in a happy sugary fairyland Earth?

Actually, I believe a lot of people would prefer it. Or rather, they think they would prefer it. But the truth is, God knows, for reasons that we don't quite understand, a world that includes suffering is preferable to a world filled with only joy, pleasure, and happiness. It's healthier. Because pain serves a purpose.

So yes, it is a stupid question. I'm sick of stupid atheists acting like the fact that the world is horrible and filled with misery and hardship is proof that God doesn't exist. It's not. Your arguments are invalid. Obviously you don't understand God like I do.

Complaining about the misery in the world is the same thing as complaining about all this discomfort one experiences during good hard exercise, and puzzling over why people go to the gym when working out can be so uncomfortable. "Working out is so uncomfortable, why do people voluntarily do it? They're either idiots or completely out of their minds!"

Well, obviously, it seems silly if you are missing a piece of the puzzle. Working out creates temporary discomfort, but leads to a more long-lasting mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Pain and suffering in the world is uncomfortable, but it builds strength of spirit.

There is a reason why if you hurt yourself, you experience something unpleasant. There is a reason why everyone isn't automatically just born straight into heaven. People are born on Earth first. Why is that? What is the purpose to life? Only God knows.

Life isn't necessarily supposed to be fun. There are things I have done that have caused me pain that I don't regret. It's like I always say, "What kind of person would you be if you never had any hard experiences? A pretty fucking lousy person."

So in conclusion, God allows pain because PAIN IS HEALTHY!

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