Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spirits Come Before Truth

So I am going to take some time off from writing my book for some of my spiritual musings.

I am just making this up. It may or may not be true.

In the beginning, there was nothing but consciousness and awareness. There was no physical world. Just a massive being that just was, and knew that it was, and had the power to create. This being is God.

There was no inherent truth. There were no facts. There were no lies. There was no fiction. Nothing but infinite possibilities.

Since the being had the power to create, it made a decision. Because it could do that. It can create ideas. This is a being of creation. The decision it made was to split.

So it split into a bazillion little specks of consciousness. And this is the only truth there is. That the massive being split into a bazillion little specks of consciousness. Each speck is a soul. Each speck contains the powers of God.

Each speck by itself is a god. But they are all separate and feel each other's absence. So they create the physical world, to forge a different way to connect.

By themselves, there is no inherent truth. Each soul creates its own truth. But together, they must make agreements to share a reality. There is no physical world in the absence of awareness. Nothing exists in the absence of awareness.

There is no linear time. But things are not static.

The spirits made agreements to share a reality. And concepts were shared. Everything was shared, to bring each other closer, to be separate yet together in the physical realm.

All truth is created by spirits. Spirits create truth.

Separate specks of consciousness unite to make a shared consciousness. They cycle through ideas. Truth isn't important. It is the effect that these ideas have on consciousness.

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