Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, November 7, 2011

God and Atheists

It seems that my philosophical beliefs don't fit with the beliefs of any large group of people.

On the one hand, religious people can be annoying (especially if they're conservative values voters). It's mostly Christians, but there are some annoying Jewish people too. I remember back when I was delusional and I was going to Portland State University, occasionally there would be a show outside. It was usually Christians but one time it was a wacko Jewish guy. So Jewish people aren't exempt. But the Christian people were the funniest. There was a group of them once, and they brought along a guitar and started singing songs. Songs like, "It's Not Okay to be Gay," "It's a Baby, Not a Blob," "Abstinence," and a song against Mormons. I call these kind of people "IJD's." It stands for Insane Jesus Dudes. Come to think of it, I've never once seen a female IJD. They are always dudes. They're the guys who stand around with their sandwich boards, which tell you to repent and accept Jesus as your savior and blah blah blah. They are entertaining.

But these are the extreme examples. I don't agree with Christianity at all, but I think that atheists annoy me more than Christians. Of course, it varies from person to person. There are some atheists who think that any person if they are intelligent and think critically will come to the conclusion that God does not exist. I am intelligent, and I think critically, and I came to the conclusion that God doesn't necessarily exist, but probably does.

Sure, there could be life without God. Maybe humans don't have souls that transcend death (though I think I have proof that they do, but I don't want to get into that). The idea that God does not exist is fathomable to me. But I do believe in God. It's not because I'm so simple minded that the only option I can imagine is that God waved his magic wand and then life forms appeared. But I see great meaning in my own life, and in life in general. I think that life came about intentionally.

I also know people, who believe in the same things I do, but are turned off by the word "God" because it makes them think of religion. So they say they don't believe in God.

But in conclusion, I think the most important thing is to be open-minded to new ideas, and never remain stuck in one way of thinking.

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