Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Providence "Plus Sign" And Accessing Other Side Memories

It came up at Providence Hospital 2021, I was looking out the window at the parking garage, at the Providence cross that looks more like a plus sign. "That's something significant," my guides said about the symbol. Then... I stared at it for longer for that reason, but actually, it never came up why that was actually significant. This may have been a contributing factor to me losing faith, in 2021. They lie. Well, actually they did not lie. It came up in 2022 what the "plus sign" was a reference to... It was used in a training exercise on the other side, before I came down for this lifetime. I have only lived four lifetimes previous to this one. That's not very many. Being so young, I had to grow in emotional security traits (plural) to become fit for the mission (this lifetime). They had me do this exercise where I was suddenly in a dirt arena, completely out of the blue, having no memories of what I was doing previously or idea how I got there. My nerves were twitching strangely in a way that was very uncomfortable, and no one at all was around. I would crawl toward an opening in the distance, there was a way out of the dirt arena way in the distance, and I had to just crawl and crawl and crawl towards that opening, while my nerves were on fire or there was something horrific going on with my body. The little scenario would end before I got there. My guides say, "Most people's souls would rip in half if they did this exercise." How many times did I do it? Enough. Enough to seem completely ridiculous, that is. Actually, it was about seventeen minutes at a time, seven times. The funny thing about it is how strange it makes me feel everytime I think of this situation. I get a really strong emotional connotation, unnaturally strong, of a dirt arena. It seems kind of like the Colliseum in Rome, but not fancy and European. It eventually came up though, the "loading screen" for this exercise, was the Providence plus sign. I remember learning that on the other side. "The reason it's a plus sign like that is it's a reference to the hospital you are at on Earth when you eventually find out about this exercise." And I rolled my eyes and groaned because I thought that was stupid, on the other side. It seemed stupid. Maybe the real reason was all this unneccessary time I was going to spend at the hospital this lifetime, is a thought I have about it but I'm not sure what the reason was. The thing is I actually remember thinking that was kind of dumb. It occurs to me now, that's why I'm doing such a good job keeping myself together now, through Fish Out of Water Psychology and beyond, to the events of 2022. With emotional security, I am very very strong on traits. On a completely different topic, another thing occurred to me recently. There's a thought process in my mind that keeps coming up about Jason, Rachel, and Kristen, together. It occurred to me that Jason and I are lovers on the other side obviously, I already knew that, but he's also interested in Kristen on the other side, and to her that's a big "no thank you." Kristen and I have a very platonic friendship on the other side. I don't want to make her angry either, since Kristen is kind of sensitive, but this is a bad lifetime for her in terms of her psychology. As John Lennon says, "It happens to the best of us."

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