Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Faith: Christianity, the Bible, and the Comfort of the Holy Spirit

 I wasn't raised Christian. It was a result of my delusional situation, that I even became Christian! My family is not Christian.

It's interesting, when you come down with a belief that you are the second coming... Regardless of everything, you realize, you didn't believe in Jesus... but you've always believed that yeah, Jesus will return, of course.

When I was at Innercept, I was constantly drawn to the Bible. Stuck in a house with nothing to do, I decided to spend this time reading the Bible... Over and over again it came back to, why don't I spend this time reading the Bible!

I couldn't convert though, at first. My belief system kind of went like this... To be Christian, you believe Jesus was born of a virgin... Check. Jesus performed miracles... Check. Jesus was the son of God... Not sure what that means, but check. You believe Jesus rose from the dead... check (in some, non-physical form, more solid than a ghost, is what I believe). And... In doing so, the sins of humanity are wiped clean and everyone goes to heaven, if they are saved. Okay... no. I believe you don't need a "sinless" person to die for your sins, everyone crosses over and goes to heaven, regardless.

Actually, it's a little bit more complicated than, "everyone goes to heaven." Some souls are evil and get "deflated," some go down a dimension... Also, if you are wicked, that is a punishment in itself. Wicked souls are unhappy.

Anyway, it was this one pastor, Pastor Kurt Neely, who I went to bible study with... he listened to my situation on a subconscious level, on the spiritual plane, and said, you know, this situation is ridiculous... Just convert anyway, okay.

Then, in a stroke of pure mad genius, devised a plan for Subbie to get it up to Conscie, using subconscious reasoning... for my subconscious mind to convince my conscious mind to convert anyway. One of the things that was brilliant about it, it involved reverse psychology from my upbringing, which was pretty unique.

I haven't actually talked to this guy much, ever, but we had a special connection. We lost contact. I have tried writing to him, since I found his email address online... I tried three times and he didn't respond. I don't know what's going on, but I figure he must not have received them, they must have gone into his spam filter. So, Pastor Kurt, if you ever read my blog... Heads up, spam filter.

The thing about Christianity, it has some sort of energy associated with it... with church, the Bible, gospel music, but above all, other Christians and conversations about Jesus... Some sort of friendship that comes with all being about Jesus, and being Christian. Like, you can feel the Holy Spirit, and I love that. That's why I love it.

When you are Christian, you are automatically friends, in a way. Kind of like, as Subbie says... There's some sort of friendship that comes from being in the top math class together, automatically, even with people you have never talked to.

I believe the purpose was to instill morals into society, to create stability. Yeah, people fight about it, and it is human nature to fight. If they are not fighting about one thing, they would be fighting about something else.

And that's how I see it. Jesus was a teacher.

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