Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Calculus: Human Art Brings Hope to the Human Race

What are mind hiccups? Do they exist without care? Are they used for their own special purpose?

Where, oh where, did my little dog go? This is a mind collapsed statement. When the dog goes away, so does the mind. The mind is gone. The dog is gone. Everyone knows when they hear these words, dogs are going to go to hell and kill each other very softly, over and over again, quickly, shortly, and precisely.

When one dog goes to hell, so does another. When three dogs go to hell, two dogs are left behind. Not on Earth, in heaven. When seventeen thousand dogs go to hell, seventeen hundred become one with the universe.

What does all this mean? Is this important to my spiritual development? No, not really. This is just jibber jabber, to distract you from the real issue at hand. Your mind is using too much calculus to pretend it exists without far-fetched ideas about Harry Potter.

Do not listen to the rimble ramble about calculus. Calculus is important, but not as important as hearing what you need to say for the rest of eternity. The words you speak mean volumes about where you are in your current state of life issues. If you are good at walking to the mall, someone will tell you that someone is not good at walking at all, and you should feel proud of yourself. Why? There is always someone who is bad at something, and they always know that it is not you who are doing the thing with your mind, it is your other half.

Believe in ecstatic visions of calculus, it is a beautiful art form. When one calculon breathes life into another, bring hope for the human race. We all need to know where you are going to get through this life time, it is easy to predict, hard to understand, and easy to recreate in the afterlife.

One thing about life is, calculus is not an art, it is an exquisite science. When calculus is good, so are your brain cells. Brink, do not eat the water, and believe in the power of the holy ghost.

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