Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tired Controversial Issues

So I am sitting here with a little bit of time to kill, and I think I will write a tired post about my position on the most over-debated issue ever - abortion.

One of my conservative facebook friends posted a good article on facebook a couple weeks ago about the whole pro-life/pro-choice thing. It was basically about how pro-life groups care less about saving unborn babies and more about punishing women for having sex. They want women to have a child to feel the consequences of their actions.

I am pro-choice, but I think that if you are going to be against abortion it should be because you genuinely want to save the lives of unborn babies. I haven't talked to many people about the abortion issue but the people who I have heard express their opinion who were pro-life said something along the lines of: "If you can't handle a baby you shouldn't be having sex."

I think this is the worst reason for being pro-life ever. Sure, maybe if you aren't responsible enough to handle the consequences of your actions you shouldn't be having sex. But it takes a certain level of responsibility to abstain from sex, and if you don't have that then you are not responsible enough to handle a baby. We are talking about a real living person here. A baby should not be a form of punishment.

Some people might argue that there is always adoption. I would argue that the act of carrying a baby for nine months requires a certain level of responsibility.

My views also comes from the belief that a "life" isn't just simply something that is physically alive. It is a whole lot more than that. It is a spiritual state. I don't know when the soul enters the body. Actually, my belief is that it kind of comes and goes during pregnancy and hangs around the mother, and then when the baby is born it becomes permanently implanted, or at least implanted until death, unless it leaves it temporarily for some sort of out-of-body experience. That's what I think. At any rate, if you abort a baby, the soul didn't lose its one shot at life. It can continue to seek ways to enter our world again, through hanging around some other woman, waiting for her to get pregnant.

I was reading this local free newspaper called the Capitalist Papers a couple weeks ago. It is real right-wing publication. It had an article about famous people who were, to put it bluntly, accidents, but their mother chose not to abort them. It was supposed to be some sort of argument against abortion. I thought this was stupid. You could make the same argument in regards to choosing sex over abstinence. Have more sex so that you can have more babies - you never know who you might be missing out on by not fertilizing those eggs.

As a former unfertilized egg, I oppose abstinence.

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