Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Manifesting Change

Sometime early last year my sister told me that the spirits had been urging her to use the principles from The Secret. She told me what she knew about The Secret, and that was that you had to just imagine what you want to happen, just really picture it in your head, and you don't have to do anything else, and it will happen. She hasn't had any luck with The Secret so far.

When she told me this, it seemed wrong. I mean, I don't know if the whole law of attraction really works or not, it might, but what I mean is, it seemed wrong that you didn't have to actually do anything, it would just magically happen. Yesterday I had my mom buy me a book called Manifesting Change. I found out that I was right about that, that you have to imagine what you want, and then you have to do things that might move you in that general direction, and forces will go to work to make things eventually work out for you.

So anyway, I kept reading. I realized something from reading this book. Now I don't know if the law attraction really works, but if it does, the only thing that is really worth trying to manifest is happiness. Just happiness, which is very general. From what I can gather from reading the book, the more specific you make your requests the less likely they are to actually happen. Or if they do happen, the more likely they are to go wrong some how, and you may get what you tried to manifest, but you might not end up happy so it defeats the purpose.

So I realized that this was true, and it made sense, and I got angry. I was probably angry because I needed a piece of nicotine gum. So I'm sitting here chewing a piece of nicotine gum, and thinking about this. The reason it makes me angry is because I feel like if I just try to manifest happiness I won't get what I really want, which is a published book, and in the end I will just be merely happy, and I don't want to be happy, I want a published book. But this is silliness, because I thought having a published book would make me happy. And in the book Manifesting Change it talks about making attachments, which means being fixated on certain outcomes. Attachments aren't bad if they are about general things, like happiness, or even slightly less general things, like more money or better health or happy relationships. But I think a published book is something that would fall under the category of being something specific, which depends largely on other people, and the more something depends on other people the harder it is to manifest. It says you can imagine specific outcomes, but don't become attached to them.

So now I'm mad, because I realize that if I properly use the powers of manifestation, I may end up deliriously happy, but I won't have a published book. God dammit.

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