Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Interference With Free Will

The question of whether or not we have free will is one of them philosophical questions that has been widely debated. I'm not going to discuss that in this entry. Today I'm going to tell you that you have free will, but it is tampered with by spirits. I know this, because I have all the answers, of course, being the spirit girl and all.

I have been told and I have read that spirits/angels/whatever are not allowed to interfere with your life unless you ask them to, via prayer. Not so, not so. No, I don't have all the answers, but I believe that that statement is false. Spirits have the potential to influence you in ways that are massive and huge, without you asking them to.

I don't want to get into book info in this entry. But, part of the reason I believe that I was influenced by spirits is the way in which things fitted together. How, I've said in the past, one spirit-induced event led to another spirit-induced event (when my mom read the entry where I said that, she asked me if by "spirit" I meant alcohol, haha). Actually, I'll give a vague, small example of this from my book. Spirits can tell you to look at things. Sometimes, they tell you to take certain fortune cookies. This happened, I took the fortune cookie, it got me thinking, led me to do something, and that led to other stuff. If I had never done this, I would never have become delusional, never have gone to Innercept, none of that shit would have ever happened. So I felt influenced to do something, and later I was able to see why I was influenced to do it.

The thing about when spirits influence you is, sometimes you notice, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you are able to look back and see that when you did something in particular, it was unnatural. Most of the time, you don't notice. You think it's coming from inside of you. It is coming from inside of you actually, but that's because the spirit has gotten inside your head. Most of the time it's subtle, and you don't notice. Then, it tries to get you to do something you really don't want to do. This is when it screams at you, and it is obvious now that you are being influenced. It convinces you it's on your side, and that something good will happen as a result. And you trust this spirit, because you think it's your friend, and that you were somehow blessed with this special friend inside your head. Then, it leads to badness, and magically awesome supernatural messianic experiences. Dammit, I've gotten into too much book information. And I know to a lot of people I sound crazy. If I cared about sounding crazy, I wouldn't have even probably started this blog.

Anyway, they can tell you to do something harmless like merely look at something, and you don't even think before doing it because what harm can come from looking? They can suggest things to you, put ideas in your head, and usually you think they are coming from your own brain. They can affect your emotions, which in turn affects your actions. They can affect what you say and write and the exact way you word things. They can make you hear things. When I heard things though, it was always very obvious to me that they were inside my head.

But that's all I'll say about my personal experience. Now onto more theories. It's because of the power that spirits can have over you that prayers have the ability to work. You can pray for something, and as a result a spirit/angel may take action, devising a plan through influencing people to do things that lead to a  specific outcome. Prayer isn't just magic, and spirits aren't all bad. A lot of times people pray for things that require action on someone else's part. That person never asked to be influenced, but they can be influenced. So, it kind of interferes with their free will.

Ssss.... pirits.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked reading this. You really know what you are talking about.
