Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fashion Trends: A Fashion Industry Conspiracy

Today I was pondering the stupidity of fashion trends. Not the stupidity of fashion itself, because I don't think it's bad to wear clothes that look good and that suit your personality. But why do things that looked good in the 80's not look good anymore? I think it was probably because they never looked good to begin with. Like the big hair look. I mean, really big hair. Nothing's really changed, that never looked good.

I don't know why something would look good one year and then not look good the next. I asked Caitlin about this. Sometimes, the mere act of asking someone a question can lead to you figuring out the answer by yourself. I realized that it was a conspiracy. This is what the fashion industry does to make more money. So you are supposed to read magazines to figure out what's in and what's out. And then you have to keep buying new clothes so your look is constantly "in," and you can't wear your old clothes because they are "out."

True fashion never goes out of style. Or if it does, it's because you changed and you are reflecting that change on the outside. You, personally, changed. I follow my own trends. Like wearing a lot of makeup. That was a personal trend. And honestly, it probably never looked good. But I didn't know that and I thought it did look good at the time, so I was happy wearing a lot of makeup.

Or maybe I'm completely wrong about this. Maybe these people who follow fashion trends are actually more evolved than people like me who think fashion trends are stupid. Because they are part of a collective consciousness, and their minds are all connected and amongst them there is unity. So when really big hair was in, the population was collectively blinded to the fact that it actually looked bad. But if this were true, there would be no need for fashion magazines, because people would just know what was in style intuitively. So I'm going with my conspiracy theory.

But anyway, I didn't mean for this to be a rant about conformity. Though, in a way it is. It's about that and the fact that there aren't enough magazines of substance out there. If there were, maybe I could focus on a different magazine besides Psychology Today to get published in, because that seems like a long shot. But I suppose it will all work out in the end.

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